The Trio Comes to Hogwarts

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September 1, 1991
10:35 a.m.

Athena walks with the Weasley's as they walk towards the wall between platforms 9 and 10 at King's Cross Station in London. She smiles at Ginny's enthusiasm say going to Hogwarts while Mrs. Weasley tries to settle the twins and Ron down from their excitement.

"Mum, why can't I go to Hogwarts?" Ginny asks and her mother looks dumb at her.

"You're not old enough dear," she replies and Ginny sighs sadly.

"Ginny, think of it this way," Athena says, catching the 10 year old's attention, "this is your only year without your brothers in the house!"

Ginny remains silent for a few seconds before a smile appears on her freckled face, "I can wait a year," she announced and Athena laughs.

"Airtight Percy, you first," Mrs Weasley tells Perry, who runs at the wall, "note you Fred,"

"He's not Fred, I am," Fred says, his brother not far behind him, "You call yourself our mother?"

Mrs Weasley sighs, "I'm sorry, George," she says.

"I'm only joking, I'm Fred," the train says before both of them run at the wall. It's take all of her control not to laugh.

She pauses momentarily when she spots a boy around Ron's age approaching them, losing a cart of his own, a snowy owl on it. He has black hair and wears glasses that are tapped together.

"Excuse me," he says nervously, "could you tell me how to-"

"How to get to platform 9 3/4?" Mrs Weasley finishes in a kind tinge. The boy nods and Mrs Weasley smiles, "not to worry, dear. It's Ron's first time at Hogwarts, too," Ron raises his hand in a short wave.

"All you do is walk straight at the wall|between platforms 9 and 10," Mrs Weasley continues while Athena goes to run at the wall, "Best to run if you're nervous. Good luck,"

7:30 p.m.

Athena sits down at the Gryffindor table beside the twins, waiting patiently for the first years to arrive. She is currently discussing ideas for the twins' pranks when the doors open and professor McGonagall enters, leading the entire pack of first years.

Soon, each student is called up to be sorted, "Hermione Granger," a girl with bushy brown hair walks up to the stool and sits down and the hat is placed on her head.

"Gryffindor!" The hat yells and the entire Gryffindor table cheers.

"Draco Malfoy," a boy with platinum blonde hair sits down and is sorted into Slytherin even before the hat touches his head.

"Ron Weasley," Athena and the Weasleys listen closely and watch as Ron nervously sits down on the stool.

"Gryffindor!" The hat yells and the Weasleys and Athena cheer and applaud Ron asks he walks over, a huge smile on his face.

"Harry Potter," this name catches everyone's attention and the boy who asked Mrs Weasley for help at King's Cross. He nervously sits down on the stool and the hat is placed on his head.

Moments feel like eternity as each house prays to have the famous Harry Potter in their house.

"Gryffindor!" The hat finally yells and the Gryffindor table erupts in loud cheers, several students standing up to welcome Harry. The twins stand on top of the table, yelling 'we got Potter! We got Potter!'.

October 16, 1991
12:00 p.m.

Romania is still as amazing as when I arrived. Dragons are still as beautiful up close as they are from afar.

I heard that Ron got sorted into Gryffindor as well as Harry Potter. The twins will be bragging about how Harry Potter is in Gryffindor. I also heard Percy is a prefect this year. I wish everyone luck.

So, your final year at Hogwarts then you will be joining the real world. Well, if you don't come to Romania to visit me, I'll denounce you as my friend.

I'm being serous about that last bit.

~ Charlie

Athena rolls her eyes at the last part of his letter before grabbing a piece of parchment and her quill. Five minutes later and she is on her way up to the Owlery.

She pauses when she hears crying from inside the tower. She walks forward slowly, peering into the owl filled room.

"Martha?" Athena asks when she spots her friend. Martha looks up and sighs when she sees Athena, "what's wrong?"

Martha shrugs and scoots over to give Athena room to sit, "David broke up with me today," she says softly and Athena nods in understanding. David and Martha have been dating since the end of fifth year.

"I'm sorry, Martha," Athena says, "I know how that feels," her mind instantly flies to a boy she had dated for a few months in her fourth year.

"I know that, but you have it better," Martha says and Athena blinks in surprise.

"You are more beautiful than me, smarter, and everyone wants to date you," Martha explains and Athena holds a hand up.

"You are beautiful too and you are definitely way smarter than me," Athena says, turning to look at her friend, "and what's the sudden interest in boys?"

Martha blushes and looks away, "Well, we're in our seventh and final year at Hogwarts and soon we'll be out in the big world, working, and maybe a family,"

"I want a family. A husband, kids, maybe a dog or two," Martha continues, "and plus I want to make David jealous," she finishes with a laugh.

Athena chuckles, "my advice? Wait till you find the right guy before you get married," Athena says with a smile, "You don't have to get married right after Hogwarts,"

"Says you,"


Martha looks at Athena, "You can probably get married right now if you wished," she explains, "Charlie promised to wait until you were ready for marr-"

"Charlie and I aren't getting married," Athena interrupts, getting annoyed, "why does everyone think Charlie and I are together?" She finishes with a sigh.

Martha laughs, "Well, you are sending him a letter," she says, motioning to the letter in Athena's hand.

"Oh, right, I forgot!" Athena says and jumps up, causing a few owls to fly off. A tawny owl flies down and allows Athena to tie the letter on it's leg before it flies off.

"Let's go back inside," Athena says, turning back to Martha, "It's getting late and cold out here,"

"Right behind ya," Martha says, following Athena

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