The Dawn of the Pranksters

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Saturday, January 18, 1990
10:24 a.m.

Athena's fifth year at Hogwarts was the twins' first. They were quickly sorted into Gryffindor and that year signalled a time of laughs and pranks.

Athena laughs from beside the twins on the couch in the Gryffindor common room, listening to some of their stories from pulling pranks back at the Burrow.

"Mum had told you several times not to do this like that," Percy says from across the room, looking up from his homework.

Charlie rolls his eyes from his spot beside Athena, "c'mon, Perce, a little fun never hurts," he says, looking back at his brother.

"It does when your grade is at stake," Percy snaps back before going silent.

"So, who do you think we should prank," Fred asks, causing Athena to look back at the two.

"How about Filch?" She suggests and the two ponder the idea before shaking their heads in unison.

"Pranked him already," they say and Athena remains silent, thinking of good people to prank. That's when Charlie leans across Athena's lap.

"Percy," is all he says in a hushed voice, so soft that Athena could barely hear it. The twins beam before rushing off to plan their prank.

Athena turns to Charlie, ego is bank in a sitting position, "You know who isn't going to like this," she whispers and Charlie turns to look at her, a mischievous glint in his eyes that causes her breath to hitch for a split second.

"If anyone needs to be pranked, it's him," Charlie answers in a very soft whisper. Athena stares at him for a few seconds before shaking her head and waiting for the prank to happen.

5:00 p.m.

Athena leans her back against Charlie's shoulder as she reads her book, her eyes getting heavier as the minutes pass. She is almost ready to stop reading when a sudden outburst replaces the comfortable silence of the room.

"What did you two do!" Percy yells, standing up and glaring at the laughing twins, "do you know how long it took me to do that assignment?!"

Cuddle and Athena have turned to watch and are currently laughing, "calm down, Perce, it's just a prank," Charlie says and is met with Percy's glare.

"Just a prank?" He yells, "I worked hours on that assignment and it's ruined! Not to mention the several rules these two have broken,"

Athena finally stops laughing and sighs, smiling, "they haven't been caught yet, have they?" She asks and the twins shake their heads, a smirk on both of their faces, "Then they didn't break any rules,"

Percy narrows his eyes before going back to his assignments. The twins return to the couch and high five Charlie and Athena, "that was a good one, you two," Athena praises, laughing slightly.

"He's improbably writing a letter to mum," Charlie says, glancing back at his brother, "we'll get an earful when we get home,"

"He can go cry to mum all he wants," Fred says, leaning back into the couch.

"But that won't stop us from pulling pranks," George finishes, a smile on his face.

June 28, 1990
9:00 a.m.

"I bet he was mad," Ron laughs from the living room in the Burrow, listening to Athena's story.

"Like never before," Athena replies while Ginny giggles from beside her. Ron then begins to tell a story about an incident he had with some of the gnomes in the backyard.

"What do you mean you're leaving in a week for Romania!?" Mrs. Weasley asks loudly, interrupting Ron, as she enters the room, following Charlie.

He sighs, "Mum, we've talked about this; I want to study dragons, and to do so is to go to Romania,"

"But why couldn't you have done something that's closer to home, like Bill," she asks and Charlie turns to her.

"Nothing like that is interesting, Mum," he argues, glancing over and catching Athena's eyes before pointing at her, "ask Athena what her plans are after school,"

Mrs. Weasley turns towards the brunette, "What do you plan on doing after Hogwarts?" She asks reluctantly.

Athena hesitates, slightly awkward after being put on the spot, "I, um, I plan on traveling the world," she says slowly, avoiding Mrs. Weasley's gaze.

A gasp escapes Mrs. Weasley's lips and she sits down, eyes closed. Athena stands, concerned.

"You two will constantly scare me half to death," Mrs. Weasley finally says, a sift laugh escaping her lips. Athena smiles, still worried.

"Mum, I'll be safe, I promise," Charles says, bending down to see his mother, "and I'll write,"

"Tell us all about the dragons, Charlie!" Ron says excitedly, while Ginny yells in agreement.

"Dragons, really, Charlie?" Mrs. Weasley sighs softly. Charlie closes his eyes for a moment.

"I'll be safe," he promises again.

July 4, 1990
11:00 a.m.

The entire Weasley family and Athena stand outside of the Burrow, the air mixed with both excitement and sadness. That morning is the morning that Charlie departs hour Romania.

"You show those dragons whose boss, alright, Lil bro?" Bill says as he hugs chair, who chuckles.

"Sure will," he replies and moves to his parents, who hug him tightly. Arthur giving him a proud smile and a pay on the back while Molly continues to hug him and a few years escape her eyes.

She eventually lets go and cuddle moves down to Percy, who doesn't hug him. Instead, Charlie holds out his Hand and Percy takes it, after slight hesitation.

"If you need any help on any dragons, you can always owl me," Percy says and Charlie nods.

"I'll keep that in mind, Perce," Charlie replies and then approaches the twins, who don't embrace their brother at first, but do once Charlie goes in for the hug.

"You two continue doing what you two do best," Charlie says and the two laugh, "I mean it; Athena still owl me if you don't,"

At this, Fred and George glance over at Athena, who nods in confirmation. The smile and wish their brother good luck.

Room and Ginny hug their brother in unison, making him promise to write to them everyday about the dragons. He promised to do so if they promise to behave and do good in school.

When Charlie reaches Athena, he is unsure of what to do. So she steps forward and wraps her arms around his neck, "You stay safe out there, Weasley," she says softly and she feels him laugh.

"I will, O'Connor," he says and Athena leans back, not acknowledging that her arms remain wrapped around his neck; but the other Weasleys do, which causes them to smile, well, besides Percy.

"No, promise me," she says sternly, her light blue eyes filled with worry, "I do not want to be told that my best friend was killed by fire, or by a design, or-"

Charlie chuckles, stopping Athena midsentence, "I promise that you will never be told that I have died," he says and Athena nods belle giving him another hug.

"Good luck out there, Weasley," she says as she steps back.

"You too, O'Connor," Charlie says before apparating.

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