The Order of the Phoenix

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August 2, 1995
8:00 p.m.

Athena sits at the table in the dining room of 12 Grimmauld Place, listening to Sirius, as she reads her fingers on the table in a bored manner.

She looks up when the door opens and Moody, the real one, Kingsley Shacklebolt, and Tonks enter the room, each one finding a spot at the table.

Sirius is currently discussing problems the Order needs to handle when Mrs Weasley stands, ordering the man to be quiet before hurrying out the door, closing it behind her.

After Cedric's death, Professor Moody took Harry up to his office. Harry would have been killed if Dumbledore hadn't intervened. Moody, or otherwise known as Barty Couch Jr, was the one to get Harry into the tournament and the one to make the cup take Harry to the graveyard where Voldemort returned.

Now, Dumbledore formed the Order of the Phoenix for a second time and Athena was one of the first to join. Now they are finding ways to slow down the Death Eaters and kill Voldemort. Though none of them have any idea on how.

Soon the meeting is over and everyone piles out of the room. Athena can't help but laugh when she hears Mrs Weasley yelling at the twins for apparating from upstairs to right behind her.

"Just because you're allowed to use magic now, didn't man you have to go shopping out your wands for everything," she yells as the twins enter the kitchen, where Athena sits already, putting away a letter from Charlie.

"That from Charlie?" Fred asks, sitting down to her right.

"Wouldn't you like to know," she replies with a smirk while George sits to her left.

"We already know it's from Charlie," George says, a knowing smile on his freckled face, "He's probably wishing he could be here right now instead of Romania,"

"Dumbledore tasked him with recruiting foreign wizard's and witches, so he has to stay there in order to do so," she replies as the rest of the Order walks in. Though she does wish that he was there with her. Her heart aches at the thought of him being so far from her.

She looks up and spots Harry beside his godfather, Sirius, and she stands up, walking over to the fifteen year old and embracing him in a tight hug.

"You got here safe, I presume," she says, stepping back and smiling at him. She never saw Harry as a friend, she always saw him as a younger brother, which explained how protective she can be when it comes to him. Perhaps a bit too protective.

"And the Dursleys didn't give you any trouble?" She questions and Harry shakes his head, to which Athena smiles, "good," she replies and sits down between Fred and George.

Everyone is eating happily, talking as if Voldemort isn't back and they might die soon. Ginny laughs as Tonks makes her nose and mouth turn into a pig snout, Bill, Lyon, and Mr Weasley discuss goblins, while Fred, bridge, and Athena listen to Mundungus tell a story, all three laughing.

An hour later, dinner was done and everyone was still having a good time catching up.

"Nearly time for bed, I think," Mrs Weasley says, a yawn following as she stands. But Sirius holds up his hand.

"Not yet, Molly," he says before turning to Harry, "I'm surprised at you. I figured the first thing you would do when you got here was start asking questions about Voldemort,"

All taking died down as he said that, everyone's attention on Sirius and Harry now.

"I did!" Says Harry, "I asked Ron and Hermione, but they said we're not allowed in the Order-"

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