The Third Task

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June 24, 1995
10:00 a.m.

Athena smiles when she sees Harry enter the room where all the champions are taking with their parents. For Harry, Mrs Weasley, Bill and Athena have come to see the Third Task.

"Surprise!" Says Mrs Weasley enthusiastically as she kisses Harry on the cheek, "we thought we would come watch you during the final task,"

"You alright?" Bill asks as he and Harry shake hands, "Charlie wanted to come, but he wasn't able to get time off of work, though he did say that your were incredible against that Horntail,"

Athena then steps forward and hugs Harry before stepping back, "I heard you saved two people during your second task," she says and Harry looks away, "good job, Harry," she then stands next to him as they chat.

It takes Athena a while to notice that Harry keeps glancing at something behind Bill, so she fooled Harry's gaze and is shocked to see the Beauxbaton champion staring at Bill with an interest.

Athena prevents a smile from sleeping as she returns to the conversation.

"-I thought for a moment that," Harry pauses for a few seconds, "the Dursleys-"

Mrs Weasley hums, looking pretty annoyed, but Bill quickly changes the subject and the three talk about the Fat Lady, Sir Cadogan, and how Mrs Weasley was caught outside of her dorms at 4 am with Mr Weasley, at which point Bill asks for Harry to give them all a tour.

12:06 p.m.

The four return to the castle for lunch, where they sit at the Gryffindor table, "I've missed this place," Athena says softly, looking up at the endless ceiling, which she loved, and still lives, when she wss at Hogwarts.

"Mum, Bill, Athena!" A voice says and they all turn to see Ron approaching them, "what're you doing here?"

"We have come to watch Harry in the last task!" Replies Mrs Weasley, "it's a lovely change, not having to cook. How was your exam?"

Athena smiles at Ron's face as he tells his mum of his exam. "Athena!" A pair of voices say in unison, running over and sitting next to the brunette.

"When did you get here?" Fred asks, sitting down next to Athena.

"And why is Bill and mum here as well?" George asks from beside his twin. Athena quickly explains the reason why when Ron pipes up.

"Ate your going to tell us-" he says but stops when he sees Hermione shaking her head and glancing at Mrs Weasley.

"Hello, Hermione," Mrs Weasley says and Athena is shocked at the stiffness in her voice.

"Hello," Hermione says, her smile faltering. It seems that Athena isn't the inky one shocked at the coldness between the two. It is Harry who speaks first.

"All The rubbish Rita Skeeter wrote in Witch Weekly, you don't believe it, right?" He asks, "because Hermione isn't my girlfriend,"

At this point, Mrs Weasley looks shocked, "of course I didn't, dear," she says and was much warmer towards Hermione.

6:30 p.m.

After spending the afternoon walking around the castle, the group is now eating the evening feast before the Third Task. As soon as the feast was over, everyone but the champions and staff were sent down to the Quidditch field.

"Holy-" Athena says under her breath as she looks at the vast maze that has replaced the field. The Champions are going to have the night of their lives, she thinks a she hears a roar come from the maze.

Athena, Bill, Mrs Weasley, Fred and George, Ginny, Ron, and Hermione find seats on the bleachers and wait for the champions to show up.

When they do, they are assigned to one of the four entrances to the maze. A man who Athena believes to be called Bagman, piss his wand to his throat and speaks.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the Third and final task of the Triwizard Tournament it's about to bein!" He says, his voice booming loudly, "let me remind you of the current standings! In first place with 85 points each," he pauses for effect, "Mr Cedric Diggory and Mr Harry Potter, both from Hogwarts school!"

The stands where the Hogwarts students sit erupts in cheers while the Weasley's and Athena, along with the Diggorys, cheer as well while the Hogwarts staff claps peacefully.

Eventually, all the champions are in the maze and the entrances are closed off, casting a silence on the audience.

Slowly, the audience begins to talk with one another. Most people are guessing what challenges the champions are facing or will face in the maze. Meanwhile, Fred and George busy themselves in showing Athena their new pranks.

8:45 p.m.

After both Krum and Fleur were retrieved from the maze after they both shot red sparks into the sky, it was either Harry's or Cedric's game.

"Harry's got this," Hermione mumbles with a tone of worry, "he'll survive," Athena nods in agreement, no longer worried that Harry will lose, all the family and her want is for Harry to come out alive, or at least in a better condition than Fleur and Krum.

A loud pop sounds and Harry and Cedric arrive, Harry holding the cup. Immediately the stands erupt in wild applause and cheers, some students, including Fred and George, rush down the stairs towards the two. Athena stands along with the Weasleys and Hermione, cheering loudly.

Athena realizes something is off when Fleur walks towards the pair. Athena then notices that Harry is diving and his arm is bloody. She soon sees Dumbledore head towards Harry.

A piercing scream from Fleur, who is now crying, causes some other people to stop celebrating. Athena starts to descend the stairs when Dumbledore rushes over to Harry and tries to pry him off of Cedric, who is not moving.

By now, the music is stopped and the Ministry of Magic rushes into the scene. Athena reaches the ground and makes her way to the front of the crowd gathered.

"Dumbledore, what's happened!" Fudge asks and that's when Harry speaks.

"He's back," he says, "He's back. Voldemort's back. Cedric. He asked me to bring his body back. I couldn't leave him. But there," Athena covers her mouth in shock. She didn't know Cedric that well, but she could tell that he was a good kid and didn't deserve the death he got.

Dumbledore grabs Harry's face and comforts him, "it's alright, Harry, it's alright," Dumbledore says to a sobbing Harry, "He's home. You both are,"

Fudge then runs back to the stands, where he is greeted by both Professor Snape and McGonagall, "keep everyone in their seats!" He yells before turning to the Professors, where he lowers his voice to a low whisper, "a boys just been killed,"

Though it seemed that students heard this whisper as several gasps fill the air. Fudge then turns to where Dumbledore and Harry are, "the body must be moved, there are too many people," he orders.

Athena hears movement from the stands and turns to see Amos Diggory frantically moving to walk down the stairs, "move! Let me through!" He yells before running over to Cedric's body, Mr Weasley following him, trying to stop him before he sees Cedric's body.

"That's my son!" He yells, voice cracking from the tears, "that's my boy!" He cries as he falls to his knees beside Cedric, "that's my boy,"

Athena takes a shaky breath, wiping a few tears away, and notices Professor Moody grab Harry and drag him away while Dumbledore comforts Amos.

The entire audience is silent, listening to Amos' cries. Nobody moves or says anything.

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