A Day at the Lake

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*Please note that information about the magical creatures in this chapter may be wrong, but I read as much info on them as possible and I tried making them accurate*
» April 21, 1989«
12:30 p.m.

"Where are those two?" Martha asks, looking around the courtyard. Athena sits beside her, writing down notes on a piece of parchment.

"They probably slept in," Athena says, dipping the tip of her quill into the inkwell beside her, "it is a Sunday,"

Martha nods, breathing out a sigh, "but that is no excuse to miss an opportunity to get good grades,"

Athena looks up when she hears feet pounding on the floor and soon enough, Jeffrey and Daniel appear, looking out of breath.

"Bout time!" Martha immediately begins to schools the two, "You two are forth years and you still want to sleep in?"

"We're sorry, Martha," Daniel says, his dark face flushed, "it won't happen again," he clears his throat and Jeffrey nods from beside him.

"Okay, whatever," Martha says, "let's just go find somewhere comfortable to sit and do our homework,"

Athena gathers up her items and stands , waiting for Martha to gather her many items while the two boys run ahead.

"Will you hurry up, please," Athena says, looking down at Martha, who is color organizing her quills.

"You can't rush perfection," Martha replies before continuing her work. Athena shifts her weight onto her other leg, a long sigh leaving her mouth as she glares at the horizon across the lake.

She is about to follow Jeffrey and Daniel when a high pitched squeal disrupts the peace in the courtyard. Everyone turns to glare at a blonde sixth year.

Athena raises an eyebrow, though, when she notices Charlie and his friends with her. She laughs a bit when she notices how close the girl is to her best friend.

She shakes her head and looks down to see Martha finally grabbing her things, "Bout time," Athena says and Martha sends a glare towards her.

"Can it, Athena," she says before sighing, "we are never going to get our assignments done on time,"

1:01 p.m.

"Aaand they aren't here," Martha says once the reach a tree beside the lake where she decided they would do their homework, "figures," she then proceeds to unpack her homework and sit down in the shade.

Athena, however, stares out at the lake, watching the wind create small waves across its surface. A short scream catches her attention and she looks over at Martha, who seems to into her homework to care.

Athena sets her bag on the ground belle walking off, going Martha doesn't catch her. She silently heads down to the bank and does the thing she is best at; exploring.

About ten minutes of walking, she hears hushed voices. She drops to a couch and slowly and silently makes her way towards it.

"-kill us if she finds out," voice A says and Athena recognizes it. Daniel. But what was he doing all the way over here?

"Dan, stop worrying and just have some fun," Jeffrey. Athena looks over the bush she is hiding behind and sees Jeffrey taking his shoes off while Daniel stands a way away from the shore.

"Jeffrey, there are creatures in that lake that could kill you," Daniel argues, stressing the word kill.

"An afternoon swim over homework? I'm game," Athena says, crawling over the bush she approaching her friends.

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