The Morning After

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July 1, 1997
9:55 a.m.

Charlie wakes up in the morning and yawns while running a hand through his messy hair. A smile stares on his lips as he remembers last night.

Speaking of last night, he lies in his side and swings his arm around and wraps out around Athena and pulls her into his chest.

Only problem is that his arm lands on the empty spot where Athena was supposed to be. He stares at the spot, sadness creeping in as he believes she left earlier in the morning.

He lies on his back and sighs, running the side of his face with his hand. He freezes, though, when he hears a crash come from his kitchen. He stands up and quickly gets dressed before heading out of his room.

He stood in his tracks when he sees Athena in there, wearing a pair of shorts and one of his white shirts, cooking breakfast and reading a copy of the Daily Prophet.

He smiles as he approaches her quietly,
Before reading forward and wrapping his arms around her stomach and pulling her back into his chest. She laughs and looks over her shoulder to see his smiling face.

"Morning, love," he says and her smile widens.

"Morning," she says and turns around so she is facing him. Her arms wrap around his neck while his wrap around her waist, pulling her closer to him.

"I love you," he whispers to her and smiles when she does.

"I love you too," she replies and he bends down and kisses her. She hums in response while returning the kiss.

"Okay, okay," she says, pulling away from the kiss, "you're going to make me burn our breakfast," he gives her a small pout but she remains firm, "don't you have work to do?"

"Nope," he says, walking over to his fridge and pulling out a gallon of milk, "I have the day off. Which means that I get to sirens the entire day with you," he pauses, glancing over at her as she works on their breakfast, cooking it the Muggle way.

"Unless you have to go back to England for a meeting," he adds, pouring milk into a glass.

"The Order can handle themselves for today," Athena replies, turning her had to smile at him, "today is for me and you. No work and no Order, just us," Charlie smiles at her and sets his glass on the counter before walking over to her and turning her face towards his.

His thumb runs across the skin of her cheek as he stares down at her, his mouth forming a half smile, "Merlin's beard, how much I love you," he whispers before planting a kiss on her lips.

Athena smiles into the kiss before she jumps back when she hears a sizzling sounds from the stove, "the eggs are done," she whispers, not entirely sure why she is whispering.

"Shall we eat?" He whispers back and Athena laughs at him as he goes to the table.

10:04 a.m.

"What's in the Prophet?" Charlie asks, taking a bite of the amazing eggs Athena cooked. Athena studies the front page and sighs.

"That horrible Rita Skeeter wrote a thing on Dumbledore's death," Athena sighs with an annoyed tone, "and how she is going to write a biography about him, even though one is already in the works from one of Dumbledore's past friends,"

Charlie remains silent for a few moments, chewing on some eggs, "isn't this Rita chick the one that said Hermione and Harry were dating during the Tournament?" He asks and Athena nods, turning the page.

"Yeah," she mumbles, "I can't help but wonder how she manages to keep her job," Athena continues to read the Prophet while he continues to eat, staring at her in silence.

"Voldemort's forces are getting stronger," Athena informs, "nothing new, though the Ministry assumes outdoor are joining due to fear or being blackmailed to. Who the hell knows anymore,"

She looks over at Charlie and a light blush firms on her cheeks when she sees him staring at her, "what?" She asks and he shrugs.

"Just admiring the view," he replies, standing up and walking over to her, plate in hand. He bends down and picks up her empty plate and kisses her while doing so.

"You're so cheesy," she says as he walks away, causing him to chuckle, "and a dork,"

"Ah, but you love me,"

"And I will never stop," she replies and he raises an eyebrow at her.

"Who's the cheesy one now?" He teases and she laughs.

2:27 p.m.

Charlie and Athena walk down the shore of a secluded area along the Black Sea, hands intertwined. Athena smiles as she listens to the waves crash into the shore.

"I like it here," she admits softly, causing the redhead to look down at her, "it's so beautiful, and fun. And it has you, and because of that, I don't think I want to leave,"

"Are you saying that you're willing to move here?" Charlie asks slowly, casting a glance down at her. He knows how much she loves England and how she wishes to live there, but for her to say that she doesn't want to leave Romania makes him hopeful.

Athena smiles and looks up at him, singing since the sun is behind him, "maybe," she replies, leading into him and his arm wraps around her waist, and he smiles, "I can see us here; maybe a small cottage in the country, a small garden," she trails off, smiling just the thought of their possible life in Romania.

Charlie smiles, imagining their house, "and maybe a few kids," he says and feels Athena go tense against him. He looks down at her, worried, "Athena?"

She releases a sigh, closing her eyes momentarily, "we're thinking too far into the future, Charlie," she says softly, looking out into the ocean, "there is...a chance that neither of us will survive this war,"

Charlie removes his arm from her waist and turns her so she is facing him, kneeling down a bit so he is eye level with her. He takes an intake of breath when he sees her watery eyes.

He places a hand on her cheek and wipes away a tear that has escaped her eye, "hey, hey," he says softly, "we'll be fine. No one will die. No one,"

"Charlie, this is Voldemort we are talking about," she points out, "there will be a final battle at some point and people will die!"

"And I'll make sure you're not one of them," he says with a determined look in his eyes. Athena sighs and presses her forehead against his.

"Promise me that you will not sacrifice your life for mine," she says softly and Charlie remains silent, not wanting to make that promise.

"I...promise," he says finally, with much hesitation, "but I'm pretty sure I won't need to make such a sacrifice. Now enough of this talk about death and let us continue our walk,"

Athena nods and takes his hand in hers add the two enjoy the rest of the day, forgetting about the huge threat that threatens the entire wizard and Muggle worlds.

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