A Hard Day's Work

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July 31, 1997
11:00 a.m.

The past few days have been full of Mrs Weasley barking orders at everyone to help prepare for the wedding, which is tomorrow.

Athena is currently helping Mrs Weasley cook the meals for tomorrow in the kitchen. Athena has always preferred cooking the Muggle way, there was no reason as to why.

Athena looks over her shoulder as the trio walks down the steps, followed by Ginny.

"Ah, good, there you three are," Mrs Weasley says and turns around, good floating behind her, "Hermione, dear, why don't you go out and decorate the trees and bushes. Ron, can you help her? Harry, if you could, could you go see if Arthur could use help with the tent?"

"No problem," Harry says with a nod and behind to walk to the back door. Athena notices him cast a glance back at Ginny. Athena returns to cutting up vegetables, a smile on her face.

"There is so much to do, but so little time," Mrs Weasley mutters, returning to work.

Athena smiles reassuringly, even though she knows Mrs Weasley won't see it, "we'll get it done, don't worry," she says.

"I hope so," Mrs Weasley breathes before a door opens and Mrs Weasley turns to start barking orders at the newcomer, "I need-oh, Charlie! Bout time you got here!"

Athena turns around and her eyes meet Charlie's. He smiles over at her and she returns his smile. He greets his mother and goes to greet Athena when Mrs Weasley stops him.

"Nope," she says firmly, "You will be sitting down in this chair to get your hair cut! I'm going to have to tell Athena to start cutting your hair or else you will look like a madman!"

Athena's smile turns into laughs as she watches Mrs Weasley force Charlie into a chair and begins to cut his hair. Charlie sends a glare at Athena, which she interprets that she should be expecting revenge later.

Athena then turns back to cutting the vegetables, still laughing silently. It wasn't long before Mrs Weasley starts giving Charlie a list of things to do, "-and then I want you to go help your father put up the tent," Mrs Weasley finishes.

"Alright, mum," Charlie says with a sigh. If he was counting right, that would be a total of ten things he needs to do. Athena then lifts the cutting board and dumps the vegetables into a small cup.

She looks over at her boyfriend and she does a double take. He no longer has the shoulder length hair she loves, but his hair is much shorter.

"Alright," Mrs Weasley says and Charlie stands, "go do as I said," Athena smiles at Charlie as he walks towards the back door. He mouths something like 'I'll hurry' to her and she nods.

3:07 p.m.

Athena just got done with cooking the meals she was assigned, which was a lot, and now she has at least a ten minute break before Mrs Weasley finds her.

She walks into the living room and smiles when she sees Charlie lying down on the couch, half asleep. She walks over to him, taking her shoes off, before nudging his upper arm, causing him to open his eyes and smile when he sees her.

"Scoot over," Athena says and Charlie moves back towards the back of the couch. Athena then proceeds to lie down on the other half of the couch. Charlie pulls the covers over her before giving her his arm to use as a pillow, which he wraps around to rest on her shoulders while his other arm wraps around her back, pulling her closer to him.

She instantly curls up against him, her eyes closing and he smiles at her, "tired?" He questions and she nods.

"When you are asked to do thirty things in a day, it is quiet exhausting," she replies softly and he chuckles before bending down and pressing a kiss against her mouth, then one to her forehead, and a final one on the tip of her nose, to which she smiles at.

"How was your day?" She asks softly, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Oh you know, I'm doing all the heavy lifting while you get to cook," he replies and she laughs.

"Cooking isn't as easy as it looks," she says, "especially when you have to cook thirty different meals,"

They both remain silent, almost fully asleep, when Charlie feels fingers in his hair, "it's so different seeing you with sorry hair," Athena whispers, looking up at his head, "

"It'll grow back eventually, love," Charlie says, closing his eyes once again. Athena, however, continues to run her fingers through his hair.

"No, I don't mean that I dislike this haircut," Athena says hurriedly, "in fact, this one suits you just as much as when your hair is long. So yes, I like your hair both short and long," she then continues to tremble and Charlie laughs at her.

"What's so funny?" Athena asks and Charlie opens his eyes to stare at her, "d-did I say something or-" he cuts her off with a kiss neuter pulling back and resting his forehead against hers.

"You're adorable," he whispers, closing his eyes, and Athena blushes before curling up closer to him. He presses a kiss to her forehead before they both fall asleep.

3:17 p.m.

"Athena-!" Mrs Wesley stops when she enters the living room and she smiles widely at the scene in front of her; both Charlie and Athena are asleep on the couch, Charlie holding Athena close to him.

Mrs Weasley just stares at the two, forgetting that there is a wedding tomorrow that she needs to prepare the house for. But her mind goes back to when the two were six and eight years old and how close they were as best friends. Now they are 23 and 25 years old and closer than before.

"Mum," a voice calls and Ginny walks in, What do-"

"Shh," Mrs Weasley says, cutting Ginny off. Ginny follows her mother's gaze and a smile appears on her face when she sees Athena and her brother on the couch, fast asleep.

"Mum, they're both really tired," Ginny whispers, "it's best to let them sleep. The rest of us can handle the work until they wake up,"

Mrs Weasley looks over at her daughter, "I wasn't going to wake them up, Ginny," she whispers, "I was just thinking of a good date for another wedding," and with that she turns and leaves the house.

Ginny remains silent, staring at the couple and trying to understand what her mother meant before her smile widens.

"I think a May wedding sounds lovely," she says before following Mrs Weasley outside.

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