Bill and Fleur's Wedding

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August 1, 1997

9:00 a.m.

Athena enters the kitchen, already in her dress. She looks over and sees George sneaking his way towards the sink while Harry and Ginny share a kiss. Athena then turns back around and looks around for the heels she is to wear.

"Morning," George says suddenly and Athena turns around and sees both Ginny and Harry back away from each other and go elsewhere. Athena sighs when she sees the look George sends Harry.

"Really?" she whisper yells, heels in hand, "you couldn't have left them alone?" George turns to face her.

"When he is snogging my sister, my only sister, you expect me to leave them be?"

"Yes," Athena replies, "let them have a bit of happiness in these dark times. Merlin knows they deserve it," she goes to go back up to her room to continue getting ready.

"Did you know?" George asks, "bout Harry and Ginny," Athena smiles faintly before nodding.

"It's pretty obvious," she replies before looking at him, "I thought everyone knew?.."

George shakes his head, "everyone must be distracted with everything going on to notice," Athena nods before walking up the stairs into her room.

10:17 p.m.

Athena is currently getting ready in her room, focused on looking for a good pair of earrings to wear. She gasps when she feels arms wrap around her waist and pull her back into their owner.

"I have never see you in a dress before," Charlie says softly, chin resting on her shoulder, "I must say you should wear dresses more often," Athena laughs before turning around to face him.

"I will wear dresses more if you start to dress up this nice everyday," she whispers, arms hanging around his neck while his remain around her waist, and Charlie smirks down at her.

"Well then, we will have to see then, won't we?" he says before bending down and kissing her softly. She accepts the kiss and steps closer to him as the kiss takes a more heated turn. She releases a sigh before Charlie breaks away from the kiss.

"Better stop now before someone walks in and sees us in bed together," Charlie explains, "Mum would kill both of us," Athena laughs as he presses his forehead against hers as they stand in silence for several moments before Charlie speaks again.

"Before I forget," he starts, hand going into his pockets, "I have been meaning to give this to you for a while now. Turn around and close your eyes, love," Athena does so, curiosity and confusion in her body. A few seconds go by and she feels something cool and cold touch her chest. She feels Charlie move her hair to one side and the cold continue to travel to the back of her neck, where he plays with something there.

"Alright," Charlie says, placing her hair back to where it was before, "open your eyes," she does so and a gasp leaves her as her hand flies to her neck where a beautiful necklace sits, a silver chain where a sideways eight hangs on it.

"Charlie..?" she starts, turning her head to look at him, "what-?"

"Its for our second and third anniversary," he explains, his voice a whisper, "seeing as we weren't exactly talking to one another on our second anniversary and our third anniversary is in a few weeks, where we most likely won't see each other then and-"

She kisses him, instantly stopping his rambling, "it's beautiful, thank you," she whispers, her lips millimeters from his, "it looks expensive. You really didn't need to get me anything," he shrugs.

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