Don't judge a book by its cover

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"Is... that so? I had no idea. Perhaps you could explain the rules one more time to me, Father. This time a bit more clear." You replied casually, crossing your arms. "That was too close! I can't let my guard down!" You thought. "Perhaps, yes. Seems like I didn't do a good job. Your sister would have understood immediately." He sighed as he turned around, expecting you to follow. You did, waving a goodbye to Brin before following your father to his personal office.

"Are you okay, (y/n)? Did you get caught?" Sabo asked in your ear. You kept quiet and he hummed. "No stress, we got time. Follow your instincts." He smiles. You could hear it. You had reached the office and your father let you in. A gigantic room, with a high ceiling and a small desk all in the back together with an enormous window. The walls were decorated with books. "Since generations, we have kept business and military apart. The King of the Sleen Kingdom would do the business department while the son would do the military department. However, your mother failed to grant me a son, so I broke one of the centuries-old rules: giving the title of Grand General to a woman. It's illegal." Your father said, leading you deeper and deeper into the room. "However, the son hasn't always been the number one choice to become Grand General. We used to have a system called the KRiTS- selection mechanism. The idea was simple: you and your rivals for the title were put in an arena. And to survive, you had to kill all the other rivals. Kill Rivals To Survive. But due to the World Government butting in, we had to end the system. So we kept the title within the bloodline." He continued, looking over his shoulder. "But there were rules. No women were allowed to enter. They weren't worthy to be general. If you did enter, you got executed immediately. If you as Royalty entered the competition but were losing, you were disqualified from it and executed the moment you reached the Palace. Those are just two examples. Now, my Dear, what do you think what would've happened if that same system still existed?" He ended his explanation, smirking darkly. You thought for a moment and gulped. "I would get executed." You answered. Your father chuckled. "Exactly. Now, what if I told you..." he stared saying, leaned forwards and continued: "I bring that system back if you keep putting your nose into business that isn't yours?". Your eyes widened out of shock. The King laughed. "Either you do what I ordered you to do and nothing more, or I'll get you executed. Now, how does that sound?". " way, right?". "F-Father..." you said. "I don't give a damn if you're my daughter. Follow your orders or die. If you get it, you're dismissed." 

"(Y/n)? (Y/n), are you there?" Koala asked in your ear. You were walking towards your room slowly. Your father's words heavy in your heart.

"I don't give a damn if you're my daughter. Follow your orders or die."

Never ever have you ever thought your father was... was so evil. Just because you stood in front of that bookshelf, he said such things to you. Sabo and Koala were right. If he hid it, he must have had connections with the Underworld. He lied. And if he lied about that, he must have also lied about his real personality... this was the first he behaved this way... Finally, you reached your room. You creaked open the door, stumbled in and closed it. Sabo and Koala were sitting on your bed with a transponder snail. Upon seeing you, Koala pitied you with her eyes while Sabo's face showed no emotion.


Sabo x reader: Power and graceWhere stories live. Discover now