RtR, Pt6: The truth

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"A...melia-chan?" Brin stuttered out, blushing a bit. The princess couldn't look him in the eyes, but the glare she threw into his direction was one of pure hatred. "You are harming one of the Legendary Hero's of Sleen! How dare you!" She scolded him. Brin opened his mouth and closed it again a few times before finally being able to use his voice. "P-Princess, you knew he was here? Where no one except the Royal Family may enter?" He stammered out. "I did. For after all, I'm the one who ordered him to come." Amelia smirked using a sweet tone.

"Mike, as King Elios' closest student and trustworthy comrade, you know of his plans and intentions. You knew how he made the Sleen family name turn into black, how he's trading in slaves and in the Underground... you're aware of those actions who are against the Law. Therefore, I, who figured out the truth, shall stop the traitors of this Kingdom and restore Sleen to its previous glory. I called Bon-chan for assistance and to do the most, but it seems I have to take my sword in my own hands." She spoke, throwing Brin back with her pinkies and taking out her sword. "Bon-chan, are you okay?" She asked her friend and he nodded, groaning as he leant on a nearby dresser. "I-I don't want to do this! Amelia-chan, we have a reason for this! Please, don't do this! You're blind! I refuse to fight you!" Brin pleaded, waving his hands in front of him. "We have a wish: a wish to make this Kingdom the strongest of them all, and we-"

"I don't want to hear it. In my eyes, all you are... are traitors and enemies to the Throne. And I don't mean my father, I mean the real throne: the civilians of Sleen. Slaves, illegal drugs and weapons... I won't let you do as you please. I will stop you, Mike. I have to admit I'm disappointed that (y/n)'s closest friend is a foe. You can still stop your actions." The princess once spoke again, not taking a no for an answer. Brin looked incredibly conflicted, looking from his hands to his sword to Bon-chan to Amelia and all the way back. He closed his eyes and sighed. "Amelia-chan... if that is what you want to do, then I have no other choice. Feelings aside, I have no choice but to follow my king! I will kill you, as well your friend. You know too much." The man stated, preparing his fists. "I will make your death painless, Amelia-chan, don't worry. I already regret fighting a blind and helpless woman, so this will be a last gift to you."

Bon blinked and sweatdropped. "Helpless? She... she stopped your strongest move with her pinkies. Don't joke around- da yo!"

"Very well. Then I shall fight you with everything I have as well." Amelia said, taking a graceful stance, similiar to your fighting stance. Her sword colored a venomous black, screaming out the danger that it possessed. Brin started gathering all the power he had in both his fists, almost going into a very similiar fase named Super Saiyan. The muscles in his arms grew twice in size, and his pupils vanished from the now pure white eyes. Amelia simply waited, her eyes closed.

"Super Technique!" Brin yelled out, releasing an aura like the King's Haki. His fists grew in size a few times and he jumped forward. "Super finisher!"

Amelia opened her eyes, drawing her sword backwards before pushing it forward. "Dragon's Brilliance."

A gigantic hole formed in Brin's body, as did in the wall behind him but larger. An enormous dark shock wave send the penetrated man flying throught the hole in the wall before the entire wall was sent flying, including everything attached to it. A few bits from the floor were send flying too, leaving holes. The scared scream of Brin could be heard less and less as he neared the cliffs, eventually reaching them and resulting in his death. Bon looked at the woman, who barely moved, and the damaged she caused. The black aura left her sword as she turned around, smiling at the Okama. "You remember this move, right?" She asked. The Okama thought for a moment and nodded.

"The Dragon's Brilliance is a technique to cut through the darkness within a creature's heart. If the dark has consumed the majority of the heart, the sword shall eliminate all evil, resulting in a hole in the victim's body and incredible amounts of pain. If there is no darkness present, the technique will have no effect. May-chan, you... knew you couldn't save him?" He said as he placed a hand on her shoulder. Amelia nodded and looked over to the hole, the sea's breeze entering the room. "I... don't know how I'm supposed to tell (y/n), but I hope she'll understand. Those too far in the darkness will be consumed and must be stopped..."

"But how did he..." Bon tried to ask but Amelia interrupted him. "My father is the one who taught both me and (y/n) our sword techniques. (Y/n) has to power to bring out the light in her heart and to use the power of the Zodiacs, and I have the power to bring out the dark in my heart to eliminate all evil. Light and dark, Yin and Yang... Father is the balance between both. His students are always the two elements to a balance. I am Yin, (y/n) is Yang. And Brin was also Yin, so..."

Amelia suddenly stopped her explanation and realised something. Something very stupid.

"Father and Brin aren't our only enemies."

She ran out of the room, Bon following quickly. The princess bit her lip as she scolded she didn't realize

There was a second Yang on the loose.

"The second Yang! They are also a force that needs to be stopped before we can destroy Father!" Amelia said. The two of them ran past Koala, who swiftly joined in. She had heard everything through Amelia's Snailphone. "But who's the other Yang?" She asked. Who was the other enemy that needed to be brought down? "But wait! If Yin and Yang are the keys to destroy the balance, doesn't that mean you and (y/n)-chan are also... erm, you know?" Bon asked. Amelia knew what he tried to say and shook her head.

"Brin was Yin, someone else is Yang and Father is their Balance. I am Yin, (y/n) is Yang and someone else is our balance. That means, that each element has to cancel out their parallel element. Yin fights Yin, Yang fights Yang and the Balances fight eachother. Father's Balance is Chaos, while ours is Peace." She explained, "So I, Yin, fought Brin, their Yin, and won. That means that (y/n) has to win from their Yang and our Balance from Father. And here's the bad news."

Koala and Bon looked at her nervously before the princess spoke again.

"Father has to fight Sabo, our Balance, and (y/n) has to fight their Yang, which is Mother."

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