RtR, Pt3: It's the spark that did it

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Sabo's POV

"(Y/N), NOOOOOO!" I called out to her. She fell over the railing unconsiously, into the ocean. I had no idea what to do. The moment King Elios saw me, the plan would be over. But if I didn't go after her, she would drown! I felt my blood cooking in my veins. What kind of a monster was he? (Y/n) was his daughter! His child! And now...

He was laughing. Loudly. Insanely. Because his daughter failed him. "SERVES YOU RIGHT!" He laughed, holding his head. After a few minutes, he stopped laughing and coughed. "Tonight, a criminal tried to enter my office via the Oceanside. (Y/n) intervened, being the Grand General she was, but was killed by the criminal and fell into the sea. Afterwards I killed the criminal and threw his body after hers. Sounds good." He said to himself, cleaning the blood from his sword, turning around to his office. "I doubt she'll survive that fall.. " he smirked as he entered his office, closing the balcony door.

And not a second after, I jumped into the sea.

I opened my eyes, searching for (y/n) in the salty water. It was dark and deep water, the salt making my eyes teary. But I saw her. Falling deeper and deeper into the darkness. I swam quickly after her. Thank the Gods that I was forced to take swimming lessons  by Ivankov! I swam as fast as I could, finally being able to reach her wrist. I grabbed it and pulled her into my arms. (Y/n) let out air. She was consious again! But she didn't have air! I was too deep to swim up to the surface for air, she would drown. So I did what I had to do without thinking.

And shared my air with her.

As well a spark.

I... just couldn't describe it. Even though it was just for air, I almost couldn't think straight when I... I...

I pulled back, touching foreheads with her.

My heart was going faster than normal as I took my sweet time. Long lashes. Soft lips... she was so beautiful. So powerful. It was unbelievable. I caressed her cheeks and the new wounds on them. I made a decision.

I swam up to the surface, (y/n) gently against my chest with one arm supporting her. When I reached it, I took a deep breath, realizing I really needed air down there. But I simply forgot when I stared at (y/n). "(Y/n)..." he said softly, going through your hair with his fingers. "I swear that I'll protect you from now on..." I almost whispered, kissing her lips again.

And when I pulled back, opening my eyes again...

I met the (e/c) ones of (y/n). Along a flushed face.

(Y/n)'s POV

"Someone's holding me..." you thought. Eh? Holding... you? You felt a pair of arms around you and a painful burn in your lungs. "A-Air... I need air!!" You realised in panic. "Is... is this how I'm going to die? Drowning? I can't move... Someone, save me... Sabo..."

But your thoughts got interrupted by a pair of lips on yours and air entering your lungs. Too confused, you didn't try to resist. You didn't even care who it was: they saved you. You felt them pulled back, their fingers sliding over your cheeks before feeling them move up. "The surface... mysterious saviour, I'm forever grateful!!" You mentally sighed as you finally emerged from beneath the surface. You were incredibly tired, too tired to open your eyes of even move. "Oh no! I can't...! How am I supposed to fight?!" You started panicking again, but immediately stopped when you heard a familiar voice say your name.


If you weren't so exhausted, you could have hugged him out of extreme happiness. He was so amazing! Honestly, you really owned him a lot! After the mission, maybe you should-

"I swear that I'll protect you from now on..." Sabo whispered.


A pair of lips met yours.

"... Sabo saved me. There are other lips on mine. Sabo's... S-

SABO'S?" You mentally screamed. You immediately opened your eyes. He just pulled back and opened his eyes again. He blushed badly when he looked you in the eyes. And according to the heat in your face, so were you. "(Y-y/n)..." he stuttered out, his eyes widening and looking left and right. "I-I can explain! I, uh, you were drowning and I-" he said very quickly but got interrupted by you. "Sabo...". You hugged him with a gentle smile. "Thank you... Sabo." You said softly. Sabo tensed under your embrace and kept his scared expression when you looked up to him. "I owe you so much right now!" You snickered. "Even now, because, uh, I can't move.". Sabo smiled. "Leave it to me, (y/n)." He said, pushing you into his chest. A tick mark appeared on his forehead as his expression grew to a hateful and enraged glare, directed to Father's balcony. "I'll handle this."

After climbing up the rocky wall, Sabo gently carried you in his arms as he jumped back to your room. "Are you sure you can't move?" He asked concerned. Your wounds were pretty bad and the salt in the seawater didn't help. You tried to move but groaned out of pain. "Everything hurts... damn...". Sabo gulped and took you to your bathroom. "Your clothes are wet, you'll catch a cold if you don't... um, c-change. Are you absolutely positive you can't move?" He asked unsure, and pretty nervous too. You sighed and smiled at him. "I'm sure, Sabo. It's okay, I trust you..." you smiled. The young man nodded slowly as he placed you on the floor, reaching for your coat with trembling fingers.

Finally, after he finished buttoning your shirt, he opened his eyes again. Ah, poor Sabo. Extremely embarrassed, nervous and with a flushed face, he looked at you. And you stared back at him. "I-I had to look while t-taking care of y-your wounds, my apologies..." he said with a trembling voice. You laughed softly. "That's okay, thanks to Bon-chan you have seen me naked before." You said bluntly, taking the poor Revolutionary by surprise. His flustered state got worse, to the point he couldn't look you in the eye anymore. "How...".

"...cute." you whispered.

Sabo looked at you, blinking a few times. "W-what?" He asked.


"Did I said that out loud?"

You started blushing now, laughing in a fake and awkward manner. "C-cute hat I mean! A miracle it stayed on your head while swimming! Truly remarkable!" You made up, forcing a smile on your face. Sabo pulled his hat over his eyes, grabbing your shoulders and gently pressing his lips against yours.


"(Y/n)... after all of this is over... can I talk to you in private?" He asked with a soft gaze in his eyes. Overwhelmed by his recent actions, you slowly nodded. He smiled and picked you up, carried you over to your bed and tucked you in. "Get a good rest. Koala, Amelia-san, Bon Clay and I will take care of the rest." He assured you and kissed your forehead, before leaving your room via the balcony.

Leaving you with a fast-beating heart

And himself with determination to protect you.

Sabo x reader: Power and graceWhere stories live. Discover now