The End of The Revolution

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A lot had happened the next few hours. You remember your sister entering your room with Koala and Bon Clay. And... and they found Sabo, with your father. You remember that as well. Brin was dead. The Guards found his dead body on the shore. Both you and Sabo were taken care of and both your wounds had healed. The Guards, Maids and all the staff of the castle admitted that they ran away from the Palace after hearing the first attack, and Sabo... No, you can't remember what he did, but he must have fired them. A strange man with a tattoo on his face visited too. Apparently he was Monkey D. Dragon. You were too fazed to great him properly and Koala scolded you for that. That's right. The Revolutionaries took over the Kingdom. But after that, you couldn't remember a thing.

And now, you are on a ship, with your sister and Bon Clay next to you, sailing away from the Kingdom. "They say that every slave is free and that all the goods from the Underground are being taken cared of. It made Sleen extremely poor though, so they have officially disbanded it and made all the islands separate islands that are property of Baltigo." Amelia nudged her younger sister, patting her head. "... Mother is in a special hospital where she gets special treatment, and Father will be personally imprisoned by Dragon-san." She continued. You barely listened. You were still too... shocked by what had happened. "We are now going to their HQ. But we'll have to part ways there, (y/n)-chan. I have to return." Bon added, holding your hand. You slowly nodded. "Yeah, okay." You replied, still staring at the place you called home. Both Bon and Amelia frowned and walked away.

It's like you were really traumatised, it was just so... unreal.


You looked up to Sabo, who suddenly stood next to you. You looked away and showed a little smile. "Hey." You said back.

"How are you? The doctor says you still have to recover mentally..." He asked concerned. You frowned and nodded. "I know. I have a long  way to go, I think..." You sighed. Sabo's hand grabbed yours tightly and entangled his fingers with yours. "You're not alone on this. Amelia, Bon Clay, Koala... and me are right here for you, (y/n)." He assured you. You smiled softly back at him, remembering the bonding moments the two of you have had. Sabo smiled back, pulling you closer. "I know. Thank you, Sabo... for everything." You thanked him, touching foreheads with him.

"I love you, (y/n)." He said in almost a whisper, leaning in with his lips almost touching yours.

"I love you too, Sabo." You said back, connecting your lips with his.

--- THE END ---

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