RtR, the Climax: Faith

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The normal rules of Chess will be obeyed, as well this rule: the chess pieces represent a certain part of our body. If you lose a piece, you lose the function of that body part. Losing all pawns equals losing your hearing. Losing all knights equals losing your left hand. Losing all bishops equals losing your right hand. Losing all rooks equals losing your left eye. Losing the Queen equals the right eye. And finally, losing the King... means losing the heart.

"Okay, okay... everything is going good..." You kept whispering to yourself. The Ultimate Game of Chess started, and it was going well. You had made some very tactical moves - by accident, but you made them - which drove the Queen crazy. She had lost a few knights which made her left hand immobile and she was blind in her left eye. You lost a finger on your right hand but were perfectly fine besides that - as well the other injuries you had. "Well, I'm not surprised that you are good at this, darling! All you ever did as a child was play these silly games instead of becoming as strong as Amelia... I'm happy it goes great for you darling, but it won't stay this way!" Mother smiled as she struck down your queen. "Shit! How could I have left her right open! Damn, I'm losing my focus... everything's is getting dizzy..." . You shook your head. Was it just you, or was there mist? It became darker as well. Your right eye lost all vision and you groaned out of pain. "Whoops, there goes your beautiful eye sweetheart!" Andrea giggled as she proud fully took the queen. You quickly looked over the board to look for her openings, and immediately found one. You took your pawn and took her last bishop. Mother gasped as the last hand she had left fell immobile next to her. "Whoops, there goes your beautiful hand Mother!" You mocked her as you smirked at her. "You little- Erm, well done! You must think you've defeated me, surely. But I'll use anything to win!" Andrea cracked a smile and played further with her teeth.  

And this went on, until there were a few pieces left.

You had your right hand and your left eye still working. Mother was close to despair as she had one eye left. Two women fighting to survive, fighting to leave the Shadow Realm.

"This is it... She can't go anywhere now. It's game over..." You thought. You smirked and moved your hand to take the last pawn you had left and looked at Andrea's pieces...



They were back.

All of her pieces were back on the board.

All knights, all pawns, all rooks... They were back.

"How could this happen?"

"Why are your pieces... back?" You asked in shock. Mother, fully recover from her previous losses, looked confused at you. "Mmmh? What are you talking about? They have always been there." She smiled kindly. You shook your head. "N-no, that's not true! I took them! I have them right here!" You stated and looked at the place where you had kept them.

But they were gone.

"There's nothing there... (y/n), are you feeling  well?" the Queen asked.

You looked left and right, under the table and behind you, but the pieces were not there. They were on the board.

And that's when it hit you. She was cheating.

"... I see. By the way, where are we playing again?" You asked. Mother looked up and pointed at the naked trees. "The Shadow Realm. A world I have created in your dream." She replied.

"A-ah. And you can either take someone into your dream or enter someone else's, right?" You asked again. The Queen hummed in response. You thought about her answers and asked the next question.

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