RtR, Pt2: Team Sabo vs Elios

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(RtR: Raise the Revolution)

"I'm not surprised, considering the condition those creatures live in." Elios laughed loudly. You stayed in absolute silence while Sabo tried to analyze the situation. "Yes Sir, but are you sure you still want them?" The other voice responded. You looked at Sabo, nodding your head in direction of your father. Sabo understood and mouthed 'Snailphone' to you.

Perhaps, one of Father's links to the Underground?

"Hold on, Monica, I have to quit our conversation for a moment. Can I call you back later?" He suddenly said, standing still in the middle of the balcony, above you. "Naturally." The voice you now recognised as a woman replied and ended the call. Elios placed the Snailphone on the railing and stared at the sky.

"I thought I learned you how to conceal your presence, (y/n)." He sneered as he punched through the floor, missing your knife and safety by a few centimeters. "Fuck! How did he know?! I thought he wasn't so good in Haki detection...". You swong yourselves through the gigantic hole he made with just one punch, taking your sabre and clashing with his bare fist. "Mmh. I'm disappointed. I thought you would be stronger by now." He smirked, preparing to launch a fist in your stomach. You jumped away from him, swong your sabre around in delicate movements and created a soft yellow light to shine around your sword. "One Sword Style..." you said softly before taking a step forward. You were now behind your father, your sword with it's tip to the ground in a fencing position. "Pirouette d'étoiles: Tornado!" You said louder and your father was send up flying in a tornado made of light. "Experience the judgement of the stars!" You exclaimed, taking a defensive stance.

Your father wasn't that easy to beat. 

"Cancel." Elios ordered as he touched the light with one finger. The tornado disappeared and he landed gracefully on the railing. "Ooh? What is this? Could it be, did you master the Twelve Zodiac Sword Arts ? That one was the Art of the Scorpion, wasn't it?" He noticed, narrowing his eyes at his daughter. "Your sister could do better."

You grew annoyed. "That phonecall, what was it about?" You demanded to know. Elios clicked his tongue. "I don't know what you know, brat, but you're sticking your nose in places where it doesn't belong." He practically spat on you, a thick vein on his forehead on the edge of popping. "Don't belong? As I can recall, I'm the Grand General. I need to know everything regarding this Kingdom. If you don't tell me, I'll get it out of you." You stated, taking another fighting stance. "What's this, a rebellion?" Father chuckled, but was clearly enraged. You smirked as blue light surrounded your sword.

"More a revolution, Father Dearest."

A few more minutes into the fight...

"Tell me! What are you doing? What are your intentions? Tell me who you are!!" You shouted as you delivered strike after strike, some hurting him, but most didn't. Elios blocked most of your attacks with one bare hand, keeping the other behind his back. "You don't need to know. You just need to obey my orders." He replied, kicking you in the stomach. You flew back a few metres back on your feet. "One Sword Style: Pirouette d'étoiles...!" You yelled as the blue light caused a massive force to raise from underneath. "Tsunami!". The Ocean rose from underneath the platform and your father just managed to jump out of the way. But you weren't stopping there. "Pirouette d'étoiles: Archer's wish!" You shouted as you approached your father from the front under the belt. The now brown light formed into arrows each time you swong your sword. The arrows would follow their victim until it hit. Elios was clearly surprised by your precise use of these Sword Arts and jumped back, taking in the damage by the arrows. "Very well... if you are so determined... I will keep your mouth forever shut." He said, taking out his sword.

"It's... don't tell me... Sword of Sins?"

"You know the power of this sword. It can reveal your sin and destroy you with it. I would stop and forget all of this if you wish to quit now. But if not... I'll make sure to give you an honorable death, to ease the broken heart of your mother." He grinned manically. You gulped and glanced at Sabo. All that time he quietly watched the fight. In case you needed him, he would interrupt. But he knew that, deep inside, you had to do it yourselves.

Sabo's POV

"(Y/n)..." I whispered softly and stood ready to help her any second. "I've never met such a powerful woman like that... she took the risk of helping us and is even willingly fighting her Father not only for her people's sake, but also for ours." I thought. Suddenly, she used a sword technique I had never seen before. Her sword started shining and a few seconds later, her father was in a tornado. How strong was she? No wonder she is the new General... and still, still... she's not using her full power. "There's something that I can't understand, but that's inside of her heart... and..." . I placed my hand on my chest. "Something that's in mine. It keeps calling you, (y/n). If it's connected, I wish to find out what is it. So until then, (y/n), stay safe. I'll be by your side when you need me". I blinked as I actually thought about what I just mentally said. My face heated up. "Damn it! What's wrong with me?! Ever since she... Focus, Sabo!".

(Y/n)'s POV

"Is that all? Tornado, Tsunami, Mirage, Sheep's Wall, Archer's Wish, Horn Impact, Scissor, Regulus, Bull's Shield, Maiden's Light, Balance and Twin Tsunami weren't enough to bring me down? Seriously, (y/n), you have only been able to cut my outfit..."  Elios sighed in unamusement. "Amelia 's Seven Demon Sword Arts were greater. At least those could hurt me. Is that it? Is that the power of someone with my blood? Disgusting. And here I thought that you could do better, even if you are a woman." He sneered.

You were exhausted and bruised, cut and bleeding. You were basically done for, but you forbade Sabo to move with a determined glance you threw at him. "Y-your... goals... tell me." You said in a painful tone, your voice cracking. "It... hurts, but... for the sake of my civilians... my Kingdom... Amelia, Koala and... Sabo... I won't back down!". "You will tell me!" You managed to yell, raising your sabre into the air.

"Oh Stars of the Heaven,
Let my voice reach you.
Your judgement
Your brilliance
And power!
Lend me all, Gracious Light of the sky!
To defeat the roots of Evil!"

The environment slowly started to fade and switched with an unlimited space filled with stars and planets. It was as if you were in a different world. Elios gasped and readied his sword. "The light and stars... maybe you aren't such a disappointment..." he said softly, a crooked smile plastered on his face.

"Oh Lady Asteria, in Your Name I will strike!


Millions and millions of stars formed a cirle around you and your sword, healing the damage done to you. Your (e/c) orbs were shining with a mysterious light and finally, you decided to strike.

"Grande Orion!" You chanted and your voice echoed in the unlimited space. The stars surrounding you started shining brighter and the planets connected with eachother with a string of light, eventually connecting with you. You swong you sword down towards Elios and the stars and string of light struck him as thunder. He yelled out in pain and was heavily injured, but was still standing. You stood frozen as everything turned normal again. Your sabre broke and you coughed up blood. "Oh, you still are." Elios laughed at your pathetic state. You stumbled back and fell over the railing.

And slowly drifted into the unconsious parts of your mind.
"I overdid it... I was... so close. Using that technique was a risk, but still... I should have made it...".

You could see Sabo's shocked face as he called out to you.

"Sabo... I'm sorry."


Sabo x reader: Power and graceWhere stories live. Discover now