What they can't see, they'll hear

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"(Y/n)... are you okay?" Sabo asked you as you literally fell on the bed. You were on the verge of crying. "Was this the real him? Was this my father?". You looked at Sabo and slowly shook your head. "...N-no... I'm not." You replied. Your strong will broke that very moment he said those words. The three of you were surprised when you heard a knock on the door. "(Y/n)? Are you okay? I heard uneven footsteps leading to your door." Amelia asked. You quickly coughed. "A-Amelia! Don't worry, I just caught a cold. I'll be fine!" You called out to her, coughing a bit in between your words. Koala flipped a few pages in her documents and leaned over to Sabo. "Princess Amelia. She was originally the Crown Princess, but due to becoming blind, (y/n)-chan recieved her title and future title of Grand General." She whispered while explaining. "Are you sure? I can get a maid if you want." Amelia protested, concerned about her sister. You panicked slightly. She couldn't see, but her hearing was extraordinary. So good, that...

"(Y/n), is there someone else in there? I heard faint whispering..." Amelia asked, hand on the doorknob. Shit! You looked at Sabo and Koala. They were very shocked. You looked for a lost paper and pen and wrote 'Her hearing is even better than mine.' down. The Revolutionaries nodded as they didn't move. At that moment, Amelia entered the room, closing it immediately afterwards. "(Y/n)... who's in here?" She asked, narrowing her blind eyes. "No one, it's just me." You lied, but your elder sister saw (no pun intended) right through it. "There are three people here, you included. I hear three people breathing. For the last time, (y/n), who are they?" She asked louder this time, taking steps towards you. This wasn't good.

This wasn't good at all!

Sabo x reader: Power and graceWhere stories live. Discover now