3 piglets and a pissed off princess

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"Amelia, hold up! You'll fall over furniture!" You made up as you made your way over to her. You took her hands and looked hopeless at Sabo. He nodded and singed a few symbols with his hands to Koala.

Meaning: Get the fuck out the window.

Koala nodded and turned around. After she took one step, Amelia immediately pulled her hands back, shaking a hidden knife from her sleeve into her hand and throws it at the female Revolutionary. She punched the knife away with fishmen karate on instinct, causing it to fall on the floor. Loudly. Sabo stood where he was before, analysing the scene. "I knew it... who the hell are you?" Amelia demanded. You looked at Sabo and pleaded him with your eyes to run away. Yet...

"My name is Sabo, the Second-in-command in the Revolutionaries. The other person here is my partner, Koala." He introduced himself and Koala. You turned pale. "Is he out of his mind?! Amelia can kill him! She doesn't like outsiders! Shit shit shit!". The former Crown Princess looked into his direction and stepped forward. "Amelia, listen, they just entered one ni-" you tried to explain but she interrupted you with a firm "Shut up.". Knowing better than to mess with your enraged sister you defeatedly stepped aside. Sabo examined Amelia before narrowing his eyes. "It's an honor to meet the Princess that lead the Sleen Army during the Northern Islands War." He said politely, yet Amelia didn't react. Just before their chests were touching, the blind woman looked up at him, right in the eyes. Koala was about to jump out the window, but Amelia suddenly glared at her. "Don't even think about it." She hissed in a tone that chilled you to the bone. The browneyed female stood frozen. Based on her expression, she was scared. Incredibly scared. And so were you.

"So, Mister Sabo, that still doesn't explain it..." she began slowly, a vein popping on her forehead. A demolishing aura was released in the room. "Haki?". Oh shit. When Amelia started using that... the three of you were in deep trouble now. "I know. Allow us to explain." Sabo replied. Koala took her documents again and coughed. "According to intel information, Sleen Kingdom has connections with the Underground and the "Kings" that rule it. Slave trade, SMILE, Sea Stone weaponary... all things illegal basically. We were planning to enter the ADUI itself but due to wrong information we ended up in Grand General (y/n)'s bedroom. After a discussion - in other words, a small fight - she agreed to help us in our inquiry for the sake of Sleen's civilians as for your sake, Princess Amelia-san." She explained all in one breath due to the overwhelming fear. Amelia's hair hung over her eyes, so it was impossible to read her expression. "So you believe our kingdom is involved in illegal transactions that could harm the population?" She repeated in a monotone voice. Sabo hummed.




Amelia turned around to you, the biggest smile ever on her face, sparkles in her eyes and a strange sparkly yellowish aura around her. "(Y/n!)" She smiled excitedly. You forced a smile. "Y-yeah?".

"They're Revolutionaries! Your idols! Your dream is here~☆!" She said, laughing and smiling in utter happiness for you. And as well...

"COMPLETELY MISSING THE POINT!" Koala, Sabo and you exclaimed, confused by your sister's stupidness. 

Sabo x reader: Power and graceWhere stories live. Discover now