The Legend has arrived

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Currently, you and your sister were at the port. She was basically jumping out of excitement of seeing her old friend again. You held her hand and sighed. "Sis, please! You're like a 5-year old in the middle of an amusement park!" You teased her, and she pouted at you. "So what if I am? I can't wait to see Bon-chan!" She shortly afterwards smiled, waiting for the boat to come closer. You squeezed her hand and leant in. "Don't forget why he's here." You whispered to her. Amelia nodded, knowing very well why, but was still excited. She clicked her walking stick to the ground, a signal for the soldiers that accompanied you and her, to take out a scroll and a few trumpets.

"Hold up... what did she prepare for...?"

"Today, the Royal Sleen Family creets our Legendary Hero..." one of the soldiers started shouting loudly, stating other titles Bon-chan had received, the trumpets making a short melody after each title he stated. You could mentally slap yourself. "This isn't an official Royal meeting, you idiot! He's a friend, one of the many hero's of Sleen!". Amelia was practically shining out of happiness, sparkles around her in a yellowish light.

Just when the soldier was about to finish, a loud laugh could be heared from the now near boat. A man stood on the railing, doing an odd dance. You narrowed your eyes.

Black hair. Weird make-up. Two swans with wings. A long pink coat... Who else could it be?

"Aw! Yes, it's me! It's the one you've been waiting for! Because abandoning my friends... is against the Okama Way! Jodan janai wa yo~! May-chan, (y/n)-chan, I'm here! BON CLAY!" The man sang, doing a few pirouttes and dances. Some soldiers behind you whispered to each other "Oh God, not this guy again" and "Please don't stay long" before getting an hateful glare from your sister.

"BON-CHAAAN! WELCOME BACK!" Amelia cheered as the boat set in the port and Bon Clay descended it. He immediately ran to the two of you, hugging you close until you couldn't breathe. "May-chan! You've grown! Ah, how great to see you-wa yo!" He laughed and looked at you. "(Y/n)-chan~!" He sang. "Y-yeah?" You asked, getting some air after the crushing hug. "So you still can't perform Arabesque~? Jodain janai wa yo?" He mocked you. You glared at him and turned around to make way to the Palace, the soldiers and the best friends following. "Idioticy is contagious... no wonder they're so close. They both miss the point..." you murmured annoyed.

Sabo x reader: Power and graceWhere stories live. Discover now