May and Clay

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Amelia had placed her Den Den Mushi  in front of her. The Mushi looked rather unique, but it was the Mushi of Bon-chan after all, so no way it looked normal.


"Ow, who calls me while I'm on a mission-dayooow?!" Bon-chan whined through the phone, the facial expression being a mix in between annoyed and curious. Apparently he had no idea who was calling.

"Bon-chan, it's me, Amelia Sleen." Your sister replied kindly. The snail looked confused.

"Mmh? Amelia Sleen?" He asked. "Okay, it's been a while but jow did he forget Amelia so quickly?". Amelia giggled before leaning into the microphone.

"May-chan." She clarified, a bit embarrased of her nickname. Not half a minute later, the snail started crying and Bon-chan hiccuped. "M-MAY-CHAAAN! IT'S - hiccup - BEEN TOO LONG, YOU IDIOOOOT!" He cried, "HOW COULD YOU NOT CALL ME - hiccup -, YOUR BESTEST FRIEND-DAYOOW?".

"I'm sorry, Bon-chan~! But a lot has happened these past years, so I couldn't... but, we need your help!" She apologised.

In the meantime, Koala and Sabo looked confused at you. "Bon Clay... you mean Mr 2 from Alabasta?" Sabo asked. You nodded. "Before that, he used to be a civilian in Sleen. He's Amelia's secret childhood friend and also one of our 'Legendary Heros of Legendary Accomplishments', or just one of our heros for short. He's the one who taught Amelia Ballet Kenpo and our Trump Card to overthrowing that other Kingdom: he used his Devil Fruit to take on the appearance of the Queen." You explained. Your voice was also loud enough to be heard by Bon-chan. "(Y/n)-chan, is that you?! Waaah, you sound so different since last time-yow!" He said, or better said shouted in Bon-chan's case. "N-nice to hear you again, Bon-chan!" You greeted him. "Now, you said you needed me, May-chan?" Bon-chan asked, suddenly not crying anymore and completely serious. "He hasn't changed one bit...". Amelia hummed. "Yes, we need your help: (y/n) still isn't flexible enough to use Arabesque." She responded. You were about to agree, until...

"Hold up, what? I mean, yeah that's true, but..."

"Aaah, something tells me that isn't the reason you called, May-chan! Could it be, are you missing the point again-yow?" Bon-chan laughed and Amelia gasps out of realisation. "Ah-! Yes, sorry about that! We'll talk about that later - "I think not." You thought quickly - but now, the real reason we called!" She said, looking at Sabo and Koala (or at least in their direction). "We need you to save Sleen!"

Bon-chan chuckles. "I see. Is it time for the Ultimate Tagteam to work together again, May-chan?" He asked. Amelia giggled.

"Yes it is."

Now hold up! I get it; there isn't any Sabo x reader in the story YET, but that's because I have a WHOLE STORYLINE planned out! Though, I understand people get impatient, so I've changed the original concept a bit, hurry the current storyline up, and insert the bubbly x reader much quicker! But: it won't bring down the, uh, quality of the story! (It's already bad, haha)

Please be patient with me! 

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