Chapter 33

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"Wait, but if the company owes this much under this contract, wouldn't this agreement make that invalid?" I muttered to myself as I flipped through the pages to go through the list of contracts I had pretty much already memorized.

Oh yeah, and I threw up about five times during the flight.

Lay, Krystal and I were now sitting side by side in the headquarter's gigantic head office. The four CEO's were apparently very busy and would only be able to see us at the end of the day. Basically meaning I had four hours to royally fuck something up. 

So I sat glued to my seat, denying the urge to stand up and press my face against the one wall that was not really a wall, more like a gigantic window that overlooked NYC. The bustling city seemed to get even busier as night started to fall, the lights far below us twinkling prettily.

An image of Jungkook popped into my my head, scattering my thoughts.


I set down my book and walked over to Jungkook, who gave me a sheepish smile. 

"What did you do?" I asked, crossing my arms but still grinning all the same.

"Ah, now I can't continue with this masterpiece because you've just gotten uglier." he said, sighing dramatically.


Laughing, he showed me his sketch. It was me, reading the book. A sketch with rough but artfully placed strokes. I was in awe.

"I didn't know you could sketch." I said, taking in the drawing with wide eyes.

"Well, now you know exactly how talented I am." he said, grinning cheekily.


As I sat there, hundreds of miles away from him, I realized just how much he had changed and how much he meant to me. It went from the cold, unmoving statue at first, to a person that I wanted to see every expression of. 

Back to the packet, Jieun, I scolded myself.

I flipped back through the papers, feeling like I had all the puzzle pieces for this problem, just in the wrong order. What was it about this contract again...?

Jungkook's POV

Me: Jieun-ah, where are you?

Me: Jieun?

Me: Jieun, answer me!?

I hopelessly sent her texts and waited impatiently for her reply, feeling extremely jittery. 

Was she safe? Was she okay? Did she eat? What if something happened?

I was already driven out of my mind with worry, and it hasn't even been twenty-four hours since I've seen her. I'm pretty sure I won't last much longer if this goes on. 

Suzy looked slightly queasy too. In fact, she was a delicate shade of green and was clinging onto the armrest of her seat so hard her fingers were bloodless. Maybe flying isn't her favorite pass-time.

Taehyung carefully reached across her and slid the cover on the window up. "Look at the horizon," he instructed. "It'll make you feel better."

I watched him carefully. The same features, voice, and patient gaze. Taehyung was known to be kind to everyone he met, and he was the friendly guy that got along with almost everyone. But something seemed different with how he treated Suzy. Strangely, it was something I couldn't put my finger on. 

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