Chapter 9

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As I wander away from the room that held Casey. I move from door to door in hopes of finding my family alive and well. It took longer to check the doors in the hallway. Casey could help but I needed her to rest and stay safe right now. She's been through a lot and I didn't need her to go through anymore for tonight. Tomorrow would be different but for right now she needed rest. I know I needed the same thing but I couldn't stop until I knew my family was safe. I keep looking until I stop. I heard growls and a soft cry. I was near the part of the hospital where there keep the newborn before there release to their families. Oh no, that sound cry couldn't be what I think it is. I look over the concert I was hiding behind and saw a growler pressing its head against the window.

I took in what it was wearing. It had on blue scrubs and a lad coat. This was a doctor. Must've got beat trying to save someone. I wanted to move closer to it and take it down but then stop dead in my tracks when that thing turned around. It was my brother. "Greg" I whisper to myself. I felt the water behind my eyes and I blink them away. I didn't want to think of this thing as my brother. It wasn't my brother! I took out my baton with shaky hands. I moved closer to him. The closer I got the more flashbacks I would see of us growing up. One time he and I pull some pranks on our dad and instead of yelling at us he would prank of back. Or that time we came out together. It was such a messed-up day but at the end of it we came out to each other and then we came out to our parents. I couldn't stop it the tears started to fall from my eyes. I remember the day Greg got into medical school, I was so proud of my big brother. He was doing what he wanted to. I also remember the first time I was in a shot out and I got hit in the vest and the person who saw me was him. I saw the worried look in his eyes but he keeps it profess ail until we got home. He cried his eyes out but it was just a broken rib, but I understood where his emotions were coming from. I whipped my tears away and raise my arms above my head gripping the baton hard. I swung and hit this thing that wasn't my brother anymore. Its blood sprays and hits my clothes and face. As I looked at it go down I saw my brother and I playing bad guys and robbers, I was always the robber because I was a fast runner and as we grew older instead of becoming the bad guy I was the good guy in uniform. I drooped to my knee and let the tears fall from my eyes. I grabbed his hand and held onto it as if my life depends on it. I could only hope that our parents were safe.

I still heard the soft cried of the baby that was behind the glass window. I couldn't take care of a baby, I just couldn't but I couldn't leave it either. But I couldn't take her without finding my parents and making sure we were all safe and sound. it had a pink blanket on so I'm guessing it's a 'she'. I couldn't risk her or my safety if she started crying out of nowhere. I shook the thoughts out of my head and moved on. I was about twenty feet away from where my dead brother lean when I saw her hair.

"mom" I said. She turned around and her yes was leaking the black blood. She took off after me like a banshee coming for the dead, warning of death, she came crashing into me. I fall over with her on top of me trying to take a bit out of me. I couldn't do anything except hold her from biting me. The tears were back and all I saw was my mom taking care of me. I just saw everything she has ever done for me. From coming out and making me a rainbow beanie to helping me get through my first heartbreak. And everything in between. I just saw my mom. "mommy" I said. And this thing just try to take another bite out of me and trying harder to skin its teeth into me. I just remember the loving women with bright brown eyes and an accent yelling at my brother and I for tracking mud throughout the house or how she cried when I first put of my police officer uniform and looked like dad. I remember how she was there when I first got hurt on the job and she worried for me but understood that I was a cop and I would willingly put myself in harm's way to help anyone. I saw the pride and hope her eyes as she saw my march in pride with the other cops. But now all I saw was this thing trying to took a bite out of me. I couldn't look at her. I couldn't see that this thing look like my mom! I push her off and her head hit a wall. I got up as fast as I could and kick it to the ground. I stomp on its head. I stomp and stomp until it wasn't moving anymore. I want to yell and cry out in pain. I didn't want this! I didn't want any of this! I just wanted it all to tend!

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