Say That You're Leaving With Me - Chapter 1

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(Isabel's POV)

          Beep beep beep beep….. My alarm clock went off but, I just ignored it.  "Isabel Turn that thing off!" Ryan yelled from the other room. Ryan wasn’t a morning person, to say the least. I was staying at my Brother Ian's house, the rest of Hot Chelle Rae lived there too, and I was completely outnumbered one to four. I continued to ignore my alarm clock by smashing a pillow over my head. Then I hear a knock on my door, Ian walks in, I notice him and take the pillow off my head. "Ya know that you need to turn your alarm off right away or we'll hear about it all morning from Ryan." Ian said turning off my alarm clock, then walking out of the room.

          I got up and brushed out my long blond hair, purple underneath, I was always quirky that way, I previously had blue streaks. I changed into skinny jeans, my favorite t-shirt and, a black cardigan, tied my black converse, finished my beauty routine, and then headed down the hall. I ran into Jamie on the way, saw Nash in his room texting, Ryan was in the shower, and Ian was in the kitchen. Nash follows me through the hallway and we walk into the kitchen to meet Ian eating cereal. We both grab bowls and pour some cereal and milk, soon after Jamie and Ryan join us.

          "So what are you guys gonna do today?" I ask trying to make conversation even though everyone was still half asleep.  "We're going to the recording studio today, to record some stuff for the next album" Ian said "what are you doing today?" Nash said emphasizing 'you'. "School….. Same as every god forbidden week day" I snapped back. I was actually thinking about ditching today, just this one time. The guys would drop me off at school like usual, wait for them to leave, then walk back home, it was only a few blocks away. They drop me off just because it's on the way to the studio, and pretty much anywhere else they go.

           We all finished breakfast then loaded into the vehicle, Ian was driving. The ride was quiet except for the buzzing of phones every few minutes, something I had gotten used to.  We arrived at the school, and I executed my plan perfectly, I made my way home with my iPod blasting in my ears.

           I reached the front door of the apartment and unlocked it. As I went in I saw Ryan looking for something in the kitchen he looked over at me... 

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