Say That You're Leaving With Me - Chapter 3

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(Ryan's POV)  

          I made my way to the car, thinking about why in world I said I wouldn’t tell Ian that his little sister ditched school. I get back to the studio, grab the CD, and head inside. "Were you trying to trick me or something?" I yell jokingly at Ian "You said it was on the kitchen counter, and it was in your room!" oh… Sorry dude! Wait…how did you know it was in my room?" he asked. "Oh, Isabel knew wher-" I was cut off by Ian "Why was Isabel there!?" oh crap. I totally forgot that she had ditched school, and that I promised her I wouldn’t say anything to Ian about it. There was nothing I could do now; he was already calling the school to find out if she was there or not.

          Of course as I already knew she wasn’t, and that was confirmed with the call. Ian walked out furiously; I ran after him and got in the car with him. Nash and Jamie didn’t know much about what was going on, or where we were going, so I texted Nash saying "we'll be back in a little, something's going on with Izzy, I'll explain later." I hit the send button, and looked up Ian was focused on driving but noticed I was now paying attention to my surroundings instead of texting. "I can't believe she decided to skip school!" Ian said venting.  "Ian, didn’t you skip school with Nash and I in I high school?" I said in a matter-a-fact way.  "Well, err… yea…" he confessed "don’t be too hard on her, we've all done it before" I said half laughing, half serious. We got pulled into the driveway I stayed in the car as Ian went in.

(Isabel's POV)

          I was sitting on the couch watching TV when I heard the door click; Ian came through the door looking at me.  Well my whole skip-school-without-getting-caught plan sure turned out well. I turned off the TV and got up while saying "Ian, I'm so sorry. I know I shouldn’t have skipped school. I just"  "Really hate school, just like your older brother did, and he may have skipped school once himself…" He finished my sentence, although that wasn’t what I was going to say.

          He gave me a hug, and whispered in my ear "just please don’t do this again" "I wont" I said as we pulled apart. "So what are you going to do for the rest of the day?" he asked me. I paused, I hadn’t really thought about that. He noticed I had no answer "do you want to come back to the studio with me?" he asked. "Yeah, sure!" I had never been to the studio with them before; it would be fun! 

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