Say That You're Leaving With Me - Chapter 18

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(Still Isabel's POV)                     

I looked up to see Seth, Electra's brother. I hadn't passed out thankfully, but I had been close to it.

"What happened?" he asked me caringly

"I don’t know. Every got all jumbled together, then I… I just…" I couldn’t finish my sentence.

Seth knew about these meltdowns I guess you could call them, because he had been there for the last one.

"Come on, lets get you home." he said holding out his hand for me, then pulled me off the dirty ground. I brushed the dust off my butt, and he walked me home.


"Thank you." I say to Seth once we reached my house

"No problem." He says then gives me a lopsided grin

I give him a hug, and wave goodbye as he leaves, and I enter the house.

"Who the f*ck was that?" Ryan asks immediately as I enter, his voice has a tinge of anger in it.

"It was Electra's brother, Seth"

"Why were you with him?"

I was beginning to feel like I was being interrogated

"Because, I broke down on the sidewalk when I had to walk home, because you never picked me up from school, and it's pretty much your fault because you didn’t remind to take my medication this morning." I snap back

His face softens "You… had another attack?"

"Yes, and it doesn't help when I come home to an untrusting boyfriend." I ignore the fact that he was genuinely worried about me, and storm off into my room, locking the door behind me. I slide my laptop off my desk, onto the floor with me.

About half an hour passes; there is a light knock on the other side of my bedroom door.

"No Ryan" I say sternly, assuming it's him

"Come on, open up" they plead

 Yup, it's Ryan




I hear his footsteps trail away, but soon the sound nears once again

The door knob wiggles a bit,

"Ryan, its locked you can't come in!" I laugh a bit to myself at his stupidity

The door swings open, and there is Ryan with a small tool in his right hand. He picked the freaking lock.

"Ryan." I sigh "Did you seriously just pick the lock?"

He slides onto the floor next to me, and his arms wrap around me.

"You know I love you right?" he asks,

"Yes" I confess, and then lean my head on his shoulder

"I'm sorry" he says

I kiss his cheek to show that everything is okay, and then I stand up as does he. I go to exit the room but his arms reach over my shoulders from behind me, dangling in front of me, so I pull back. I grab his hands and tilt my head back looking at him. His soft lips press up against mine gently.

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