Say That You're Leaving With Me - Chapter 11

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(Isabel's POV)

          I woke up the next morning and got ready as usual. I was tieing my shoes when there was a knock at my bedroom door, "Come in!" I yelled even though I had no clue who it was. Ryan walked in. 

"Hey" I said shyly while looking down; I have no clue what to do right now.  

"Hey!" he sat down next to me on my bed.

"So, about last night…" he started

"Ryan, I don’t know how this is gonna work."

"What do you mean?"

"Your 7 years older than me, I'm still in high school, and I'm your best friends little sister, you’re his band mate, and I don’t know, I guess I do like you but I ju-" his lips were pressed against mine, cutting off my non-stop rambling. It completely caught me off guard.

 I pushed him away. I don't know why, I guess I didn’t know what else to do.

"Ryan… I can't." I said looking down, my heart dropped into my stomach, it felt like someone had just punched me. I didn't cry, I didn't have any tears left in me.  

I could sense him looking at me for a minute, then got up and left without a word. I sat there for a minute thinking; I tend to think and daydream way more than I should.

What did I just do?

I like him, why is that so hard for me?

          My thoughts where abruptly interrupted by Ian yelling my name; it was time to leave, recording studio today. I avoid any and all eye contact with Ryan; I just stare at the ground. We get to the studio and I take a seat while they do their 'thing'. During the last song of the day which was 'The Only One' Ryan looked right at me while he was singing; like daggers his eyes cut my heart. I couldn’t take that, I walked out into the hallway trying to relieve myself of the pressure. I leaned against the wall and slid down, bringing me to the floor. Like I do any free moment, I began to get lost in my thoughts and emotions.

What the heck is wrong with me?

 I like Ryan, why did I push him away?

 I do like Ryan... Right? Yes I defiantly do, that kiss last night was so perfect.

Ok, so I like Ryan; but now what do I do?

The door from the studio opened

"Hey, what are you doing out here?" Ian said as he walked out followed by Nash, Jamie and then Ryan. I stood up knowing they were finished since that was supposed to be the last song of the day.

"Oh, I went to the restroom, and didn’t want to distract you guys when I came in so I just stayed out here…" I said trying to cover up anything that could hint to why I actually was in the hallway.

          We began to go to the elevator to exit the building, I was behind the others walking next to Ryan. I gave him a look that said I'mreallysorryforeverything and idoreallylikeyou. Then gave him a reassuring smile, he smiled back making me melt inside. They were remodeling the building so we had to weave our way through supplies and closed off areas. Ian, Nash, and Jamie were pretty far ahead of us.

"Ryan, I do really like you, I have no clue why I pushed you away. It was just my automatic response I guess" I spoke

"No, its okay; I was trying to take it all to fast" he confessed

Because of the construction we were going to have to take the stairs; but I knew there was a working elevator just around the corner from the entrance to the stairs. The guys were far enough ahead of Ryan and I they were making their way down the high staircase. I grabbed Ryan's arm just before he grabbed the handle to the door, he froze and turned to look at me, a confused expression spread across his face. I gently pulled him away from the door,

"I know where there's a working elevator" I said explaining my actions

He raised one eyebrow and began to walk as I lead him around the corner. I punched the button embedded in the wall

"I bet the others are wondering where the heck we are" Ryan said as we waited for the elevator

"So… Its not like we got lost and we are not little kids either." I stated

"That’s true."

Our attention shifted to the door as we heard a low ding; I entered and he followed. I leaned against the wall and Ryan came up in front of me; I put my arms around his neck joining them behind his head, and lightly kissed his lips. He put his arms around my waist pulling me closer, and kissed me again… and again… and again. The small kisses soon turned more heated, our lips moved perfectly in sync; my tongue outlined his mouth asking for an entrance, and his made its way into mine. It was all too amazing and perfectly wonderful.

I almost didn’t hear the beeping of the elevator which (reluctantly) pulled us apart; good thing we did because the rest of the guys were standing in the lobby waiting for us.

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