Say That You're Leaving With Me - Chapter 9

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(Ryan's POV)

I wake up in the morning, Isabel is cuddled into a ball her head still resting on my chest, my arm around her. Last nights events are still fresh in my mind. I slyly move out of the bed, trying my best not to wake her up. I take a nice long shower, get dressed, brush my teeth, and fix my hair. Afterwards I go into Jamie's and my room, Jamie was sitting on the edge of his bed he seemed deep in thought, He noticed me as I walked in "Hey" he said acknowledging me, I look at the clock its 12 in the afternoon, damn.

"I called Ian about an hour ago to explain everything that happened last night, I figured he didn’t remember much" Jamie spoke

"Did he say when he's gonna come back here?"

"He said at 12:30…" Jamie answered speaking quietly; that was only in thirty minutes…

I sat next to him, thoughts racing through my mind.

How is Isabel gonna react to Ian?

How is Ian gonna act?   

A million other thoughts ran through my mind

"Is she still sleeping?" Jamie asked me, taking me away from my thoughts

"Yeah, I don’t think she woke up, I'm gonna go check on her." I said then got up and left the room.

(Isabel's POV)

I wake up and glare at the clock, my eyes still adjusting, finally my vision clears and I can read the numbers; '12 in the afternoon' I say to myself under my breath, I then realize Ryan isn't here anymore 'He must have gone to his bed or something' I thought to myself. After a good ten minutes I get up and grab some clothes from my closet, and go take a shower.

The hot water runs over my skin calming me, I finish my shower, and then get dressed. I plop down on the floor resting against the side of my bed. Deep in thought I sit there, staring at the wall, thoughts of yesterday's events run through my head, in an overwhelming flurry. I single tear runs down my cheek 'why me?' I think to myself just as I did yesterday. I hear the door creek open, I turn to see Ryan's head peeking around the door, and he notices that I'm crying again. He opens the door making it so that he can slide in, and then closes it behind him.

          "Ryan…" I whisper his name; he sits next to me on the ground, if feel his arms wrap around me, I look down, my hair hanging down around my face; I just cry. He pulls me up into his lap, and holds me. Whispering words to me, I didn’t pay much attention to them but they still comforted me. At that moment it was all I needed, was for someone to hold me and tell me everything was going to be okay. After a few minutes my crying turned to sniffling, my head still down I spoke quietly "Ryan?"

"Yeah?" he said in the same tone

"Thank you… For everything…"

He rested his head on top of mine "No problem" he whispered to me

I heard the front door open, and Ian and Jamie's voices "let me see her!" I could hear Ian say he sounded annoyed yet hurt, but he wasn’t yelling. Ryan slid me off his lap, and  he walked out to the living room, shutting my bedroom door behind him. None of them where yelling which lessened my worry. The door slowly creaked open again; I lift my head up, this time to see Ian's face peeking around the corner. His eyes where red and puffy, they where filled with distress. I stand and up, keeping my eyes on him; He hugs me and whispers in my ear "Isabel, I'm so sorry" He doesn't have to say anything more. "I forgive you" I say still hugging.

          My phone vibrates in my pocket, we quickly pull apart. "Sorry" I say while getting my phone out of my pocket; it was Electra calling me, I contemplated whether or not to answer, but Ian was already walking out of the room so I decided to answer it. I sat on my bed and talked to her for almost 2 hours, venting about every little thing. That’s one of the reasons why she was my best friend, she was a good listener. Jamie came in while I was still talking to her, "hold on" I say and pull the phone away from my ear,

"We're gonna go out for lunch, you wanna come?" Jamie asks me

"Yeah, sure!" I say to him, and then he walks out leaving the door partly opened.

I put the phone back up to my face,

"Hey I've got to go, we're gonna go get lunch; talk to you later!"

"Okay bye! I'll call you later tonight!"

"Ok sounds good! Bye"

I lift the phone away from my ear, my eyes scanning for the little red button to hang up; I see it after a second and end the call.

I quickly fixed my makeup; I still had smeared mascara on my cheeks and around my eyes from earlier today. I grab my purse, and walked out my bedroom door to meet the others; Ryan, Maggie, Ian, and Jamie, Nash didn’t feel like coming so he was staying behind. 

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