Say That You're Leaving With Me - Chapter 26

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(Isabel's POV)

"MARCO!" I yell at a crowded mall in a failed attempt to re-locate the rest of my group.

All five of us were out shopping and somehow I got separated from the guys. I call Ian, and luckily he picks up.

"Where the hell are you guys!?" I ask immediately when he picks up,

"Where the hell are you?"

"I'm outside of Macy's, you guys ditched me!"

"We didn't ditch you!"

"Oh, uh huh. Sure"

"I see you; your purple hair makes it easier to find you"

I scan over the top of the crowd till I see a head of black hair, identified as a specimen known as Ian, Jamie and Ryan trailing behind him.

I start walking towards them, meeting half way between the path.

"We didn't ditch you!" Ian speaks once we're within a reasonable distance from each other.

"Hmm, that's believable." I say as Ryan's arm slides around my waist yanking me to him.

We all begin to walk in the opposite direction,

"Hey, where's Nash?" I inquire noticing the ginger was nowhere in sight

"I don't know, probably doing something stupid" Ryan answers me

"Yeah probably" I chuckle

We continue to venture through the mall purchasing a few things here and there at various stores. Nash had eventually caught up with us after a while, I still don't know where the hell he went off to.  At one o'clock we set off to the food court for lunch.

"How about pizza?" Ian asks the group

"Nooooooo, I really want Panda Express" Ryan whines, I smirk while rolling my eyes and shaking my head at him.

"Well Jamie and I want pizza" Ian replies

"I do too!" Nash pipes in

"Well, Ryan and I can go to Panda Express, while you guys can get pizza" I say in hopes of some alone time with my boyfriend

"Just because your dating doesn't mean you guys can exclude us from everything!"  Nash jokes

"Yes it does." Ryan says, he looks serious but we all know he is just joking around.

"Nope, come on lets go. You're outnumbered." Ian speaks then turns around heading towards The Streets of New York Pizza restaurant. We all obey, following him through the slightly crowded food court.

Well, I didn’t get to be alone with Ryan like I had wanted, but now is a good opportunity to talk to Ian about Ryan and I leaving during my fall break.

Ryan and I had talked more about the trip last night, and discussed details. We were planning on staying at a hotel at bit closer into the city, just so we could spend some more time alone together.

It would be fun, just the two of us, doing whatever we wanted. No Ian to be constantly hovering over us, no Nash to annoy us and no Jamie to… Well, Jamie is usually fine.  

We all sat down at a wooden table with 6 chairs lining the sides. Ryan and Jamie were seated on each side of me, Ian across from me, and Nash to the right of him. After we ordered I decided to just go for it and ask Ian.

"So, Ian…" I start

"Ryan and I were thinking about staying at a hotel in the city for a few days when I'm on fall break"

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