Say That You're Leaving With Me - Chapter 16

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(Isabel's POV)

"Izzy wake up… Wake up…" is the first thing I hear, along with a gentle shake

"noooooooo…" I say burying my head in the pillow I'm hugging

"Isabel you have to wake up, you need to get ready for school" I still don’t know who is talking to me

"Whoa, you're burning up!" they say touching my forehead

"No I'm not, I'm freezing cold!" I say snuggling in my blanket even more, trying to stop my body from shivering

They walk out of the room then come back and gently turn me over onto my back since I refused to move an inch.

My eyes open and Ryan is looking down at me concerned.

"Ryan why are you getting me up? and its still morning, so why don't you seem like you want to punch someone?"

"I've already taken a shower so I'm awake now, and I don’t ever want to punch anyone!" He replies then tries sticking the thermometer in my mouth

"No, Ryan. I don’t want the stupid thermometer!" I say trying to push it away

"Isabel stop, I need to see what your temperature is."

"I already know. Its -30 degrees" I say then forming a ball in the middle of my bed under a multitude of blankets

I can hear him walk away but soon he comes back, except I can hear more than just his footsteps

"Isabel come on, we need to take your temperature!" I recognize the voice as Ian's

"Nooooooo, I don’t want to move" I moan, my head pounding

I feel the covers come off of me partly but I don’t move

Ryan pulls me up into his lap I moan as he moves me, but at least he's warm.

I unwillingly open my mouth and hold the thermometer in it.  Ryan holds me tenderly, swaying a little bit; after about one minute it dimly beeps.

"102, yup you're sick." He announces

"No really? I never would have thought that I'm sick! You know, considering I feel like crap." I said sarcastically

"and even when your sick, you can talk enough to fit in some sarcasm!" Ian says walking out of the room, then coming back shortly with a bottle of medicine.

"No, no, no! Not that stuff!" Ryan holds me down before I can move

"Izzy! Calm down, it will make you feel better." Ryan says then giving me a look that makes me completely melt, he knows my weakness.

 "Fine." I say rolling my eyes

Ian hands Ryan a small cup of the repelling liquid, and he places it up to my lips tilting it so unfortunately it all pours out into my mouth, coating it with a very unpleasant taste, I wrinkle my nose in disgust as I swallow.

"okay, now you need to get some more sleep" Ian says.

Ryan picks me up in his arms, stands up, then places me back on my bed pulling the cover's back up over me.

"okay so you come in here, wake me up,  put a stick in my mouth, make me drink poison, then tell me to go back to sleep?" I ask, Ryan laughs, and Ian shakes his head sighing, they both walk out and I quickly fall back asleep.

After a while I'm awoken again. This time it's Nash, his strong arms reach under me and pick me up, carrying me out of the room, down the hallway

"Nash, what the fauk are you doing?" I ask confused

"Taking you into the living room"

"Uh why?"

"Because Ian wants to keep an eye on you"

"Why can't I stay in my bedroom? I like it in there." He doesn't answer.

Ian and Ryan are in the living room watching TV, Nash sets me on the opposite side of the couch Ryan is sitting on, my legs extend across his lap.

"Ian, why couldn’t I just stay in my room?" I ask annoyed

"Because if you need anything we're right here"

"Why did you send Nash to get me?"

"We figured you were annoyed enough with us."

"hmm yeah, that was a good choice; but if your going to move me I at least need my blanket."

"I'll go get it." Nash said since he was already right by my door. He retrieves it then brings it back to me.

"Thank you" I say plainly to Nash

"How you feeling babe?" Ryan asks me

"Terrible. But I guess that medicine did help somewhat" Ian walks into the kitchen, and comes back a minute later with a bowl of soup.

"Sit up, you need to eat." He orders me but says it nicely

"Do I have to eat?" I ask whining

"You are so difficult when you're sick." Ian states

"Will you eat it if I feed it to you?" Ryan asks hopefully

"Maybe…" I say smirking

"I'll be in the other room then. I don’t want to see you guys going all cutesy on each other." Ian says walking to his room

Ryan and I look at each other giggling; he then takes a spoon full off chicken noodle soup and feeds it to me.

"You owe me one." Ryan states realizing the ridiculousness of what he's doing

"Okay, next time your sick I will feed you soup, Deal?"

"Deal." He says while shoving the spoon in my mouth again

Jamie walks into the living room, I hadn’t seen him yet today

"What in the world?" he says looking at us

"She's sick" Ryan answers

"So he's feeding me soup." I add

"weirdos…" Jamie says under his breath while getting a coke from the fridge

"Hey! We heard that!" Ryan yells at Jamie

"I know you did!" he says as leaves the room

I finish the soup, and then we played video games together for the rest of the day. At about 7 at night we turned the TV back on I lay my head on Ryan's lap, his fingers running through my hair, lulling me to sleep, my entire body is achy and limp. Apparently he eventually fell asleep too, because Ian had to come and carry me back to my bed.

"Ian" I whispered as he lay me down


"Thank you…"

He kissed my forehead then closed the door to my room; I then fell back asleep almost instantly. 

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