Say That You're Leaving With Me - Chapter 5

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(Ryans POV)

We carried on with dinner and went to leave the restaurant. "I WANT TO DRIVE!" Jamie practically yelled, "uh, why?" I asked. "Because you guys always get to drive!" he answered. "uh, okay then Maggie, Ian, and Nash can take one car, and Jamie, Isabel, and I can take the other."  Isabel wasn’t listening to what I said, so she didn’t know who was going where. Jamie called her over to the car, and she got in the backseat.

           I don’t think she realized I was going in that car too; I got in the back seat with her instead of shotgun, she looked confused. "Listen Isabel I'm really sorry about what happened but I honestly didn’t mean to tell Ian." I pleaded to her. "Its ok, I understand" She said. I smiled a little at her as she was looking out the window.

          Eventually she fell asleep, her head slid over on to my shoulder, Jamie looked at me weird when he saw I was smiling because of this "Dude, you like her don’t you?" he asked sort-of teasing me. "Jamie!" I whisper-yelled at him careful not to wake her up "What!? I can tell you do! I'm your brother." He replied "Ok… maybe I kinda do, I'm not sure though, she's Ian's little sister!" he didn’t reply and just kept driving.

          We got there and I carefully got out, went to the other side and picked her up bridal style and carried her into the house. As I was walking up to the doorway she woke up "What, where am I?" she asked still half asleep, "you fell asleep in the car, we just got home." I said as she fell back asleep just barely in enough time for me to finish my words. Ian saw me with her, he looked a little shocked, but that’s probably because it seemed kind of weird to have your best friend carrying your little sister in his arms. I went upstairs and gently laid her down in her bed, laying a blanket over her.

          She looked so peaceful and perfect. I resisted the urge to kiss her forehead goodnight knowing she could still be awake, and someone could walk in with my luck. I walked back downstairs to everyone else, "She's in her bed." I told Ian, just so he would know; even though I have no idea where else I could have put her.

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