Say That You're Leaving With Me - Chapter 14

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(Ryan's POV)

We quietly walk though the door and find all the lights off in the main living area the only light source is the light seeping from underneath bedroom doors, which makes me assume the guys are in their rooms right now. Isabel and I had decided to go and talk to Ian together to make sure he doesn't get to upset.

We tip-toe over, Isabel lightly knocks and then slowly open Ian's bedroom door. He's at his desk tweeting on his blue laptop

"Ian-" Isabel starts

"Don't let it happen again." Ian says bluntly

"There was a super long detour that’s why we didn’t get home till now…" I say explaining

"It's fine. Just don’t let it happen again." I can tell he's trying to keep a flood of anger back; I'm scared to say to much causing a flash flood of rage.

"Okay, goodnight then" Isabel says pleasantly. We both turn to leave

"Ryan, can I talk to you for a second."

"Ian" Isabel scolded him

"Izzy its fine; go get ready for bed." I say to her considerately

"Ok…" she replied hesitantly then walked away

 "Ryan, please call me or something next time. She's my sister; its my job to protect her." Ian says holding back tears

"Okay, I totally get that. But I'm her boyfriend and it's my job just as much as yours now to protect her" I say

Ian looks almost crushed by this, I get it though. He has always been the one there for her. She's never had a real boyfriend or a strong relationship with her parents to love and support her; only Ian.

I march down the straight hallway to Izzy's room, I can see the mirror to her bathroom from the open door, and her brushing her teeth while humming a song; though I can't make out what song it is since it's so muffled. I sit on her bed and wait for her to come out.

I can hear the water running in the sink so I assume she's done brushing her teeth. My assumption was correct and she walks out of the bathroom, she hadn’t known I was in her room there till just then. I scared her half-to-death when she saw me, causing her to let out a scream.

"Izzy! Its okay! It's just me!" I said laughing a bit while hugging her

"Ryan! You scared me!"

"Sorry! I didn’t mean to!"

"Why were you on my bed anyways?"

"I don’t know" I said laughing

The door quickly opened, and Ian comes in

"Are you guys okay!? What was that scream?" Ian asks frazzled

"Yes we're fine." I say

"I screamed because Ryan scared me!" she said looking at me playfully annoyed, so I smiled mischievously

"Okay then…" Ian said looking at us strangely "Goodnight then… Wait a second, Ryan go to your bedroom! You are not sleeping in here!" Ian ordered, he was partly laughing but I knew full well he was completely serious.

"Ian, I already knew that would not slide." I stated

"Now go to your room mister!" Isabel yells at me pointing out the door, Ian walks away back to his room and I very slowly move towards mine.

"Out, out, out!" she says pushing me, I only move my feet because the force almost causes me to fall over.

"Okay, okay, I'm going!" I say walking a bit faster but still slow. Once I'm out of the doorframe she closes the door abruptly

I begin to walk away when I hear the door click once again, I turn around, Isabel walks up and gives me a kiss on the cheek

"Goodnight" she whispers

"Good night babe" I say back

She moves back into her room and I get to mine; Jamie is already passed out asleep on his bed, and soon I'm at the same state. 

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