Say That You're Leaving With Me - Chapter 29

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"Hey, wake up" I was already awake but my eyes were not open making it appear as though I was fast asleep.

My eyes flit open, "Wait, what day is it…?" I ask

Ian chuckles "Friday, but you still don't have school"

"Then why are you waking me up…?"

"Do you want to go to the recording studio with us today?"

"Can I sleep on the couch there?"

"Sure" he chuckles

Last night we had sorted everything our between the three of us; Ryan, Ian and I. Ian apologized, we apologized for planning on leaving, everything was cleared and fresh air was unveiled. It felt so much better between all of us and best of all, no more distrust.

I drag myself out of bed slipping on black sweat pants and a t-shirt. Hey, it is just the recording studio.

Quickly put on some simple makeup and fix my hair a bit.


Once at the recording studio Ryan plopped down on the couch and I lay my head on his lap extending my legs across the length of the sofa.

"You tired?" he questions me

"Yeah" I yawn

"Did you stay up late last night or something?"

"Yes. My computer was calling me"

"Oh, now was it?"

"Yes, it was indeed" I give a slight smile

"How late?"

"Four." I say quickly

He chuckles as Jamie calls him over to the recording booth 

"Bye honey" he leans down to kiss my lips and I sit up briefly, allowing him to join the guys then crashing my head back down against the cushions. I can faintly hear the music through through the walls of the booth which acts as a lullaby, encouraging me to sleep for a while longer.


One hand is interlocked with Ryan's soft ones as the other nervously fiddles with the pendant and gold chain on my neck; the necklace Ryan gave me. It's really a beautiful necklace; it’s a large oval locket with a vintage style to it. Inside are an embossed infinity symbol on the left and our names on the right.

"SCORE!" Jamie yells making me jump and drop the locket from my hand, but it of course doesn't fall since it is in fact on a chain.

Its Friday night, A.K.A pizza and hockey night.

"WE WON!" I cheer realizing what just happened then jump up. I forgot that me and Ryan's hand's were tightly held onto each other causing me to be jerked down the instant  I jumped up.

"Owwww!" I complain rubbing my shoulder which was just violently tugged

"Geese Ryan, you don't have to hurt your girlfriend" Nash jokes sitting down in a chair with a paper plate of pizza in hand.

"Yeah Ryan I don't ever hurt you!" I tease him

"But you’re the one who spontaneously jumped" is what he comes up to defend himself

"I guess you have slow reflexes that’s why you didn't think to release your hand"

"No, I just wanted a Titanic moment. DON'T EVER LET GO ISABEL" He dramatically shouts while kneeling on the ground in front of me, both of his hands clinging onto mine.

I shake my head and giggle slightly as Ian walks in the room "Either you guys are getting married, or you guys are being stupid weirdos"

"Hey!" I spiel "The Titanic is not stupid!" Ryan adds "People died Ian. People died." I say holding my left hand against my chest as Ryan is still on the floor holding my right.

"Are you guys gonna eat pizza or what?" Ian asks changing the subject from our silly jokes

"Yeah. We shall get pizza when we want, thank you very much." I say with a fake attitude "Which is right now" I quickly add then go to the kitchen

"Babeeeeee, can you get me some too?" Ryan whines from the living room, he was laying on the floor instead of getting back on the couch. Oh my god we are weirdos.


I grab two paper plates and place two slices of pizza on each; Hawaiian and meat lovers for Ryan, veggy and Hawaiian for me.

"Ryan you can't eat it lying down." I sigh as I walk back into the main room. He then sits up his back leaning against the side of the sofa and I join him on the floor taking the same position. Jamie pops in a movie and our little group watches.


I am slightly awoken sending me into a state where I am asleep but aware of what is happening around me. Ryan picks me up, I can tell its him by his slender arms and the sound of his breath. Yes, we have actually got that close to where I can actually tell those kinds of things. I snuggle my head closer to his warm chest, which brings an unexpected sensation of safeness and comfort. My sleepy mind wakes up as if it had been injected with caffeine propelling my head up with a slight jerk.

"Whoa there, are you okay?" asks Ryan's angelic face looking down onto mine

"Do you remember the night we became a couple, when my head fell on your shoulder in the car as I fell asleep and then you carried me inside just how your carrying me now?"

"Then later that night we kissed for the first time, and I have been head over heels in love ever since" He finished off "That night… I could never forget"

I must have fallen asleep during the movie and I realized then we were in the hallway. He eased me out of his arms, letting my feet stabilize my body touching the soft carpet in his bedroom and kissed my lips with much force as we slowly melted into each other. That kiss-

That kiss is what made me know that boy loved me so much and I loved him equally.

It was full of passion and dripping with lust. His hands grabbed my hips pulling them against his allowing us to deepen the kiss immensely. His tongue outlined my mouth, I opened it as his tongue entered, mine played with his both fighting for dominance. Soon his shirt was off and he successfully slid mine over my head. He backed me up towards his bed falling onto it and he crawled over on top of me which broke the kiss for a second but his lips rejoined my body kissing my neck roughly. I breathed heavily as his mouth made its way further down my neck. His lips kissed along the hem of my bra and my hands explored his chest. Then a great amount of guilt fell over me, my heart went from racing to being frozen in two seconds flat. Ryan noticed my sudden change in mood,

"Isabel, what's wrong? Are you okay?"

"Ry-Ryan we can't. We both know it"

He sighs "Yes, I do know."

We just got Ian's trust, we can not lose it now.

A tear escapes my eye as I grab my shirt, quickly slip it on and run to my room. That red light showed up, so I stopped. Thank God I did.

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