Say That You're Leaving With Me - Chapter 19

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Authors note: Sorry that the last few chapter have been kinda boring :/ I'm gonna try and add more drama haha. I'm having some family issues, but I'll write when I can! :) Oh, and I also just realized I've only been using Isabels POV haha, I'll try to add in more of other peoples POV!

Love you guys <3 <3 <3

(Isabels POV) 

I come home fuming.

 Not crying, just a bad mood and anger.

How could someone treat another person like that? To be so careless of other's and their well being

Me and Electra both had got told by a group of kids at our school today that we are somehow sluts, ugly,  and a waste of makeup, among other things. Those words of hatred hadn’t really hurt me it just disgusted me how someone could intentionally tear someone down, potentially ripping them to shreds. Electra had let each word they spewed soak into her mind, luckily I was able to wring them out with a short pep talk.

 I crashed onto my bed spreading out my arms and legs extending over the entire soft surface of it. Ryan came in

"Hey!" he said cheerfully

"Hey." my tone was the exact opposite of his

"What's up?" he asked not as peppy; he knew something was wrong

"Electra and I got called a bunch of names today, I'm fine but it just disgusts me." I say staring at the blank white ceiling

I move over to make room for him on my bed, he lies down next to me and I turn on my side to face him.

"Well, they just don't see the wonderful girl that I see." He says looking straight into my eyes

He presses his lips gently but yet firmly against mine, making my anger disappears like water evaporating.

We pull apart then he brings his hand up to my face and rubs his thumb along my cheek, I smile at him and he smiles back.

"I need to call Electra…" I say sitting up

"No, stay." He says and pulls me back down, I try to wiggle out but his grip isn’t weakened

"Fine. I'll talk to her while you continue to strangle me" I say

"Okay." he chuckles

He snatches my phone off my nightstand with one hand, keeping the other around me.

 I pull her name up in my contacts then pressed the small green button

"Hey!" a voice that was more perky than expected came through the speaker

"Hey, you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm doing fine" I could tell she was honest

"you sure?"

"Yes Isabel, I'm A-OK"

"Ney, you want to stay over tonight?" I asked her

"YES! Is it okay with Ian?"

"uh… Let me ask" I pulled the phone from my face


 and you know… Ryan just so happened to be right there by my face…

"Isabel! You are gonna pay for that! You little F*cker!" Ryan shouts back at me

"NO" Ian yelled answering my question, but I could tell he was joking

"Yes, you can come over" I spoke into the phone

"…Ian said no…" Ryan said giving me a sassy look, causing me to laugh a bit.

"Ryan's right there isn’t he?" Electra asked

"Yup" I replied popping the 'P'

Ian walks in "You disobeyed me didn’t you?" he says giving a fake disappointed look

"Maybe…" I smirk

"okay, okay. I guess she can come over."

"Good to know." I reply, and then say my goodbyes to Electra ending the call.

 Ryan loosens his grip on me allowing me to get up.  


Electra comes over, we all eat pizza together, then afterwards Nash, Electra, and I make a trip to the grocery store to pick up some ice cream.

"I want cookies 'n' cream!" Electra announces

"Okay, we'll get 4 different kinds…" I say

We pick and purchase the allotted four then get back into the car, Nash driving once again.

"Nash! Slow down!" I scold him he was going way over the speed limit.

Then not surprisingly, we hear a loud siren and see a bright flashing light from behind us, the red and blue colors dance along the dashboard.

"Nash! See what you did!" I say

"Shut up" he mumbles under his breath pulling over to the side of the road

The officer comes up to the drivers side window, sorts things out with him and gives Nash a ticket for one-hundred and twenty-five dollars.

"Sh!t" the three of us say almost in unison as we drive down the road once again traveling in the direction of the house.


"Nash was speeding and got a ticket!" I tattled once we got through the door

"What?" Ian's head pops up from his laptop

"Yeah, so now the ice creams melted…" Electra added

"Who got a ticket?" Jamie asks walking into the kitchen followed by Ryan

"Nash got a speeding ticket" I answer glaring at Nash

"Yeah for $125" Nash sighs

"Obey the signs, avoid the fines!" Jamie sing-songs while walking back to his bedroom, as does Nash

"I'll be right back" I say to Electra and Ryan who are throwing away the mess of sticky melted ice cream

Since we have no ice cream now I  go to my bedroom and carefully reach under my bed causing my face to smash into the comforter hanging partly off the side. A noise of crinkling plastic comes from a package of Oreos that I grab.

I skip back out to the kitchen, Ian and Electra are sitting at the breakfast bar, and Ryan is on the other side leaning against the counter. I slide in the chair next to Electra and slip the package of Oreos into the middle of the counter.

"Where the Hel did those come from?!" Ryan asks

"I bought them, and then hid them under my bed so you guys wouldn’t eat them all. But, we have no ice cream now so I will share them"

"That’s pretty smart" he agrees

 The four of us sit and eat cookies while talking about various topics and watching random youtube videos on Ian's laptop for hours, becoming delusional from how tired we were.

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