Say That You're Leaving With Me - Chapter 28

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"Hey! Are you ready?" she asks while zipping up her bag

"Isabel, I don't think we should…"

Izzy was on fall break. Meaning it was the night we were going to leave for a little while. I don't like to call it running away because we were sure that we were going to come back.

But even then, the more I had thought about it over the past weeks the less of a good idea it sounded.

"What!? Why not…?" Her face was coated in disappointment with traces of curiosity added in.

"Because-" I had good reasons but that look on her face stupefied me and no words would come out of my mouth.

"Wait," she said so extremely quiet that it was barely heard, the movements of her mouth were more reliable than her actual words.

"W-" I had barely started to speak before she cut me off

"Shhh" she muttered urgently while holding up a finger to her mouth signaling to be quiet as she moved her ear closer to the door of her bedroom, finally getting close enough to where she pressed it up against the slightly cooled wood.

The look of curiosity that had replaced the disappointment was once again exchanged for a different emotion; annoyance.

She rolled her eyes then quickly swung the door open. A man was located directly outside the door, startling me a bit.

"What the fuck are you doing!?" Isabel exclaims.

"I uh-"

Oh wow.

It's Ian.

"Why are you even up, and why are you fucking spying on us!?"

"I got up to get a drink of water and then I hear my sister and one of my best friends in her bedroom at twelve thirty in the middle of the fucking night and wanted to know what's going on."

When she opened that door it felt like we had caught him, but I quickly realized that we were caught too.

"I was up late working on some music, and then I heard a yell, rushed in here and found out that Isabel had a nightmare." I quickly tried to make a lie, which was a bad mistake. Considering I didn’t know what he heard of us talking and I knew my voice did not sound convincing.




"Don't even try with that bull shit, and you told me you would never mess with her! At least you were waiting till she was legal"

"Ian!" Izzy gasps

"We were not going to have sex Ian! We were gonna leave for a few days and do stuff together around the city, then come back!" 

"Why were you going to leave?" he still seemed very angry

"Because we were tired of always being monitored by you! Have we done anything bad? No, we haven’t, but you still don’t trust us!" Isabel speaks up

His face turns from anger to despair, we really hadn’t done anything.

"Uh, I-" he pauses collecting his thoughts then sighs

"Your right, and I'm sorry."

Did he just apologize…?

(Ians POV)

I cough once again, my throat dry and parched. I hate getting up in the middle of the night, but I this is the third time I've woken up. I force myself to get up out of my bed, go out the door, down the hallway, around the corner, and into the kitchen, reach up to get a cup, then a few more steps to the sink to fill the cup, and the last mighty stretch to actually get the cup to my mouth. Seems like a lot right? Well, only when you're tired it is.

I gulp down the once half-full cup till only a few droplets are left, refreshing my throat. I initiate my legs to move forwards, slowly making my way back to my bedroom and warmth of my bed. Halfway through I notice the light  from my little sisters room is on, something I must have failed to see on my way to the kitchen. I can faintly hear her talking to someone, so I get closer to the door.  

"Are you ready…?"

"Isabel… we should…"   

Ryan is in her motherfucking room too.


I continue to listen, but there is a quiet moment with no talking.

The wood in front of me is abruptly moved away, without a noise beforehand as a warning.  

"What the fuck are you doing!?" Isabel exclaims.

"I uh-"

"Why are you even up, and why are you fucking spying on us!?" she uses my short silence to her advantage, but I get my words to come out soon enough.  

"I got up to get a drink of water and then I hear my sister and one of my best friends in her bedroom at twelve thirty in the middle of the fucking night and wanted to know what's going on." My anger still had a strong hold on me

"I was up late working on some music, and then I heard a yell, rushed in here and found out that Isabel had a nightmare." Ryan says stiffly.


"Don't even try with that bull shit, and you told me you would never mess with her! At least you were waiting till she was legal" I spewed out words without giving any second thoughts.

"Ian!" Isabel gasps

"We were not going to have sex Ian! We were gonna leave for a few days and do stuff together around the city, then come back!" 

"Why were you going to leave?" My voice was still loud

"Because we were tired of always being monitored by you! Have we done anything bad? No, we haven’t, but you still don’t trust us!" Isabel speaks up again

"Uh, I-"

She was right.

They haven’t done anything against what I have said to them, or told them besides a few slip-ups here and there. I just diss'ed my own best friend, thinking he was trying to screw my sister when he promised that he loved her and would treat her well. My mind searched for what to say-  

"Your right, and I'm sorry."


Authors note: Sorry guys! I was gone for a week on vacation, then another week right after that at summer camp and I lost what I had wrote of this chapter so I ended up changing it a lot. Please comment or whatever you like to do! <3 

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