Say That You're Leaving With Me - Chapter 10

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(Isabels POV)

It's Friday night a little under a week since all that happened. The guys have a show tonight at a fairly large venue downtown.  Once we get there the guys set up and did sound check, I stay backstage wandering around aimlessly, quietly humming, and I can hear them testing the microphones "check, check, hey, 123, hey, hey, check!"

People start pouring in, the show was gonna begin soon. I go out in the crowd this time; I'm usually back stage during their concerts. I sing along with every word, getting lost in the music, leaving all my cares; I love concerts way more than I should.

(Ryans POV)

 It's around 10 PM when we get back to the house, Isabel fell asleep in the car and I carried her in again; Nash went to his room, doing I don’t know what. Which left Ian, Jamie and I we turned on the TV and a movie had just started, so we decided to watch it. Halfway through the movie Jamie decided to go to bed, and Ian fell asleep on the couch.

          I heard some footsteps and expected it to be Nash coming downstairs but saw Isabel instead.

"Hey, what are you doing up?" I asked her

"I woke up to change into pajamas, but then heard the TV on down here, so I decided to come down here." She answered as she sat down next to me. We silently watched the movie for while; then she spoke

 "Hey Ryan, did I ever give you back your copy of Portal 2?"

 "No, I don’t think so."

She got up and began to walk in the direction of the stairs; I assumed she was going to go get it, so I followed her. We walked in her room, she grabbed the game from a spot next to her TV, I was looking around her room and didn’t realize that I was standing right behind her; she turned around to hand the game to me; her movements making our faces inches apart. We caught each others eyes… I moved in closer………….

till ……………

……………………… our lips touched…

(Jessica's POV)

I got up to go get Ryan's game and noticed he was following me, we went into my room and I grabbed the game for him. Not realizing he was right behind me, I spun around on my heels. This made us so close his breath was tickling my throat as he breathed.  

 I looked into his deep brown eyes and got lost in them almost putting me in a trance, and then the unexpected happened… He kissed me…

 I pulled back slightly because I was in complete shock; I liked it though; So, I leaned in again for another kiss, it was amazing.

We pulled away.

 What just happened?

We both stood there looking at the ground for a minute

"Here's your game, I'm going to go to bed now." I said breaking the silence

"Okay me too." He replied and winked at me as he left.

  Once he walked out I fell back onto my bed, plopping in the middle of blankets and pillows,  I though about what just happened.

How could I like Ryan? He's always been like a brother to me, as have Nash and Jamie.

Wait, did I like Ryan?

 My brain was boggled with questions and mixed emotions.

 Then I thought about what Ian would do if he found out… I'm already on his watch list for skipping school; he's has been keeping an extra eye on me. 

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