Say That You're Leaving With Me - Chapter 17

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2 days later (Wednesday) - after school

 (Isabel's POV)

I sit outside of the school building on the sidewalk, there are a few students left but they trickle out one by one. The cold cement isn’t exactly comfortable but I really don't feel like standing.

Ryan is supposed to pick me up but it's been 10 minutes from when he said he'd be here. It's no big deal, I can just walk home but I didn’t want him to show up, and I'm not even there. I hold down 2 to speed dial him from my blackberry, an annoying drone comes out from the speaker, it rings a few times then goes to voice mail.

"Hey Ry-Bear its Izzy, you where supposed to pick me up from school, but I'm walking home now. Don’t worry I'm fine; please call me back if you can! K-THANKS-BYE" then I begin to walk down the busy street.

"I hope Ryan's okay…" I think to my self worried

The sound of running motors, honking, and occasionally the startling and loud hum of a motorcycle go off, many sounds collide with my emotions and thoughts creating havoc in my troubled head. My mind darts from a sound, to an idea, then to another smell or sight; this repeats in no specific order every split second causing a terrible headache. Then my vision starts turning blurry. I just… Can't take this all…

I collapse to ground hitting the hard pavement, grasping my scalp. I don't know what's happening, or what I should do. This has happened a few times before but Ian was there for all of them.  My last one I had was when I first moved here with the guys, because the new surrounding's were so completely different from what I was used to.

"Isabel!" I hear someone yell from behind me, I don't look up I stay in the same position and continue crying

"Isabel, its okay…" they say softly to me

After a few minutes I look up to see a very familiar face

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