Chapter 1

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"Y/N, hurry up! Darren will be here any minute now and I want to make sure you make a good first impression!" Your mother shouts from outside your room.

Darren is the man in which your parents have chosen for you to marry. Today's the day that you're meeting him for the first time.

Your mother is rather excited about it. She's been going on about him and his great job and his good looks and his enormous fortune for weeks.

You finish putting on the silk, pastel blue/pink dress that your mother picked out for you before walking out of your walk in closet, then out to the long well polished hallway.

"Aw N/N, you look gorgeous. Although, I think you need a bit more jewellery." Your mother takes your hand and leads you into your massive bedroom. "Here. We don't want Darren and his family thinking we're poor, they wouldn't want the two of you getting married." She takes a sparkling diamond necklace out of your jewellery box and places it round your neck.


"Oh! That must be him!" Your mother grabs a bottle of perfume and sprays it at you, causing you to flinch and gag as it gets in your mouth. "Stay here until I call you down." She jumps up excitedly and rushes out the room.

You sit down on your over expensive bed and wait patiently for a few minutes before you hear your mother shouting.

"Y/N, come on down!"

You groan, stand up and make your way down the tall spiral staircase to find your mother standing with another wealthy looking woman.

"Isn't she a beauty!" Your mother smiles, causing you to snigger a little due to the fact that you completely disagree with her.

"Yes she is! Don't you agree Darren?" The woman your mother is standing beside slides over to reveal whom you're guessing is Darren.
He has gelled, golden brown hair that reaches just below his ears.
He's wearing a slick blue suit and tie that matches up perfectly with his definitely over expensive watch.

"Yes, I do agree." He smiles fakely.

As you reach the end of the stairs, your mother grabs your hand and places you in front of Darren.

"Y/N, this is Darren. Darren, this is Y/N."

"Hi." You say awkwardly.

"Hey." Darren says just as awkwardly.

"Why don't the two of you go for a nice walk in the woods while Carol and I get dinner ready." Your mother shoves you and Darren out onto the front porch. "Have a nice time! Be back before dark!"

She slams the door shut, leaving you standing there beside Darren unknowing of what to do.

"So... Uh... Shall we go?" Darren asks.

"Yeah..." You say.

"Ladies first."


You've been walking down a path in the woods, listening to Darren talk about himself for about forty five minutes now.

"There was also this one time when..." You zone out as Darren begins his next story, but then come back when somebody runs straight into you and Darren, knocking all three of you onto the ground.
"Watch it, asshole!" Darren shouts while getting up. "Are you okay, Y/N?" He offers you a hand to help you up, but you refuse and just get up yourself.

"Ow..." The person who just ran into you groans while trying to get up.

"Here." You take his hand a help him up, still not seeing his face, but noticing how tall he is.
"Are you okay?" You ask as he holds a hand up to his head and another up to his face.

"Just a sore nose... And head..." He says.

"He's fine. We should get going." Darren says.

"No wait." You wave him away. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"He's fine. I'm hungry, let's go." Darren tries to drag you back again, but you pull your hand away again.

"You go, I'll see you later." You tell him.

He lets out a frustrated huff and stomps off.

"Are you sure you're okay?" You turn back to the man, who's now sitting on a nearby tree stump.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He lies.

You look down at his bright blue t-shirt, which is now stained with blood.

"Are you sure? You're bleeding. Let me see." You sit down beside him and lift his face so that you can see it.

You instantly freeze when you look into his crystal blue eyes.
You've never seen anything like them before.
You've never seen anything so amazing.
So breathtaking.
So perfect.

"Uh are you okay?" He waves his hand in front of your face.

"Oh uh... Heh.... Yeah..." You shake yourself out of your thoughts and turn your attention to his bleeding nose. "Let me help you with your nose."

"It's okay, you don't have to. You probably have more important things to do back home or something." He pushes your hand away.

"Nonsense. I couldn't give a smaller shit about anything happening at mine." You lift up his head again and begin to attempt to clean up his nose bleed, then the blood on his head. "So, why were you running?"

"It gets me places faster."

"You know what else gets you places faster?"


"A fucking car."

He laughs, poking his tongue out between his teeth in a way that truly makes your heart melt.

"Well, I can't afford one." He says.

"How not?"

"Because I'm not rich or anything like I'm guessing you are."

"I'm sorry to hear that... That must suck."

"Not really. There are more important things in life than money, and it's not like I'm poor. I still can afford food and a home and stuff."

"My parents made sure that almost everything in my life revolved around money. They said it was the most important thing ever."

"Well, I'm telling you now, it's not."

You finish cleaning up his nose and head. "There goes the blood."

"Yeah, thanks."

"No problem." You smile as the guy stands up. "By the way, my name's Y/N. What's yours?"



Soooo yeh, this is the first chapter of this story.

Quick thing.
I now have an upload schedule.

Monday, Wednesday & Friday: This story.
Sunday, Tuesday & Thursday: Don't Leave (my current danisnotonfire x reader)
Saturday: Anything

I hope y'all are doing great.

Bye lads.

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