Chapter 11

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"How do you know it's not just tobacco?" You ask, beginning to slightly panic.

"I watched him roll it up while you were being scared by that crow." Phil tells you. "It's definitely drugs."

"Holy shit!" You shout, making Darren look up and over at the fence. You and Phil duck down even lower and closer to the bushes than before as Darren stares a the fence and woods for a second before shrugging it off and continuing to smoke. "What do I do? Do I tell him that I saw him?" You ask, whispering again.

"If you tell him, he'll know that you snuck out." Phil whispers.

"But if he tells my mother and father about me sneaking out, I'll just tell his mother about him getting stoned."

"How could you telling him that you know benefit you in any way?"

"I don't know yet... I'm sure it could somehow though..."

You both watch in silence as Darren continues to smoke for a few more minutes before he finally gets up and walks back inside.
"Just great. I'm not only marrying a douchebag, but I'm marrying a druggie douchebag." You and Phil stand up. "Fan-fucking-tastic."

"Do you not want to marry him?" Phil asks as the two of you begin to walk over to the forest path.

"Not really." You tell him.

"Then why are you doing it?" Phil asks.

"Because I have to."

"What do you mean?"

"I have to marry Darren. My mother and father say I must marry him, so I have to."

"No you don't."

"Yes I do."

"Y/N, you shouldn't have to marry someone just because your parents say you do. It's your choice. If you don't like the guy that your parents want you to marry, don't marry him. Nobody should be able to force you into a marriage."

"But... I don't want to disappoint them."

"Hey, if they're actually good parents, they wouldn't be disappointed in you for not wanting to marry someone. Anyway, time for an adventure!"


You and Phil walked around in the woods for a bit while listening to music before coming across a tall, empty building with an iron fence around it.

"Do you think it's abandoned?" You ask Phil as the two of you look at the building through the fence.

"Probably. Maybe we can look it up online, do you have any 3G or something?" Phil asks.

"Duh." You take out your phone and do a google search for haunted/abandoned places in your village.
One of the first results is the building standing before you.
"It says that it used to be a care home before a fire killed tons of people. Then, it was a gathering place for people in a not so well known cult where they would... ew."

"What would they do?" Phil looks over at your phone. "Ew."

"The cult were found out and killed..." You continue, skipping over the truly horrifying part "And the place has been abandoned ever since."

"Let's go in."

"What the fuck Phil? We could die! Also, my dress could get dirty."

"Do you really care about your dress getting dirty Y/N?"

"No... This is some major white person shit though. Let's go in."

Phil climbs the fence before helping you over with him.
The two of you walk across the snow covered area towards the building.

"I bet there are homeless people in here." You say.

"I bet there are ghosts in here. Do you believe in ghosts?" Phil asks.


The two of you reach the building and find it rather easy to enter.
The halls are pretty empty and the air around you is chilly.
As you walk down the hall, you feel a shiver sprint down your spine.
There's the sound of a glass smashing up the stairs.

You grab onto Phil in fear.
"It's okay. Probably just someone else in here." He tells you, which is correct.
You hear the sound of people laughing and talking.
You calm down, realising it's just some other idiots exploring an abandoned building.

The two of you laugh and walk away from the building.
"We should totally go back there... but bring a ouija board with us." Phil laughs as he climbs over the fence.

"Fuck yeah/fuck no." You climb up on top of the fence, but fall off into the snow on the ground.

"Ohmygod are you okay?" Phil rushes over and helps you up.

"I'm okay, I promise."

"Was that intentional?"

"What? The fall or the mcr reference?"

"The mcr reference."



"Then, the guy just waltzed off like it was nothing. He ruined one of my favourite shirts." Phil is telling you about the time that some random guy walked over to him, called him Jesus and poured and bottle of red wine on top of him.
You laugh and shiver. It's freezing right now...
Or maybe that's just because you are both making something called 'snow angels', which you had never heard of until now.

"Damn." You laugh and look down at your phone.


"Fuck. I've got to get back home." You jump up and look at your snow angel, which is looking rather mutated. "It looks so fucked up my god." You then look at Phil's. "Your one looks perfect! I think the angels are representing us."

"I think they're the opposite way around then." Phil tells you.

"I believe otherwise." You tell him as the two of you walk down to your fence.

When you arrive at the fence, Phil helps you climb over it.
You stand on the other side, looking through one of the small gaps at that his perfect face which is illuminated by the rising sun.
You look into his gorgeous blue eyes.
He looks back up into your E/C eyes.
Soon, the inevitable happens.
You both lean in and share a small kiss, but then you hear the door open and quickly pull away as Phil ducks down.

"Y/N? What are you doing out here so early?" Sarah asks, walking down the garden towards you as you sit down on the fountain and speedily throw your trainers into the bush beside you without her noticing.

"Just... watching the sun rise." You lie.

"Oh. Okay." Sarah sits down beside you.

"What are you doing up so early?" You ask her.

"I couldn't sleep." She tells you.

"Well..." You stand up and grab your slippers which you left on the ground. "I'm going to go back to bed. I just wanted to... y'know, see the sun."

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