Chapter 8

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You arrive in front of your house at 12:30am, which is way later than you intended to, but you got caught up talking to Phil.
You slowly creak the front door open and begin to creep into the house, guessing that everybody's went home or to bed, but that's when you see a light gleaming in the main office at the end of the large hallway.
You walk over to it and see somebody sitting in the spinning chair.

"You're home late. Where've you been?" Your father asks, spinning around in his chair to face you.

"N-No where important." You stand at the doorway. You hate to admit it, but your father intimidates you greatly.

"Why did you not come back with us?"

"Oh I was being.... sick. Did mother not tell you?"

"Yeah she did, but it doesn't seem like it to me. You couldn't have spent all that time being sick-"


"Who were you with?"


"You sure about that?"


"Because I've heard of a friend of yours... what was his name again? Ah yes! Phil."

"Oh um-"

"Yeah, Abigail told me about him. Seemed worried. Would you like to know why?"

"I-I-Uh-I would..."

"She said something about him being 'poor'"

"He's not exactly poor-"

"And she was worried about something else."

"W-What else was she worried about?"

"That he was going to come between you and Darren."


"Tell me. Were you out with this boy before you arrived home?"

"I... Uh... I... Was... Yeah..."

"That's the last time."


"You are not allowed to see him again."

"Why not?"

"Because he's clearly not good for you."

"You don't even know him!"

"But I know what I've been told, and he's clearly going to be ruining your life!" Your father stands up.

"Or helping me actually have a life!" You stand up as well. "I can do something actually interesting with my life. I don't know what, but I know that I can be more than just a housewife."

"No you can't."

"Why not?"

"Because you're a woman."

"You sexist little..." You stop yourself before swearing. "I'm going to bed." You spin around and storm off to your bedroom. "Sexist motherfucking shithead cuntfaced bastard."

Sorry for the short update, but I have a shit ton of homework and studying to do, so I'll go.
Bye lads.

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