Chapter 23

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One Day Until The Wedding

As excited as your mother is for the wedding, she's been very quiet recently, notably around you.
It's evident that she believes that it's you to blame for her reputation officially being ruined, but you don't mind. She deserved it.

Wedding preparations are really intense at the moment, especially with the rehearsal dinner tonight.

"Wedding disaster!" Abigail bursts into your room and holds her hand up to her forehead, attempting to rub the obvious stress away.

"What happened?" You look up from the book that you were just reading.

"Okay, so, Stacey was meant to call the caterers and tell them about the date change but she didn't and now we won't have any food for the rehearsal dinner or the actual wedding and they sent us the wrong cake!" Abigail explains, pacing over to your bed. "They sent us a penis cake made for a bachelorette party!"

"Pahaha can I see it?" You burst out laughing.

"Y/N, this is serious!"

"Okay then. What do you want me to do about it?"

"First of all, be more panicked. This is your wedding and so far the only things the guests can eat is dick!"

"Hey, it's a first for you."

"Stop joking around!"

"There's not much else I can do. Just fix it." You shrug and open your book again.


"I don't know. Find some last minute caterers. Order Chinese food."

"Order Chinese food? Are you serious?"

"Dead serious. Chinese food is good."

"When do you ever try that disgusting, greasy slop?"

"It's not as greasy and disgusting as-"

"What are we meant to do?"

"You know we have a butler, right? Just get him to cook something."

"One guy can't cook a meal for several hundred people in a few hours!"

"Make it something simple, call a catering company today and maybe someone will have enough time to cook a good meal for the actual wedding."

"That's... Not a bad idea."

"See, not just a block of wood." You grin and knock on your head, which hurts more than you intended it to. "Owie!"

"The reason behind you being the first to get married is beyond me." Abigail shakes her head and walks away.

"Thanks!" You say sarcastically and roll your eyes.

"Hey, Y/N, whatcha doing?" Darren places a hand on your doorway and uses it to lean all his body weight on.

"Reading. Why do you care?" You ask, not looking up from your book.

"I was wondering if you wanted to do something... Like... With me." He asks in a slightly awkward tone.

"Why would I want to do that?" You ask, putting your book down. "Why would you want to do that?"

"We're gonna be married tomorrow. I think it makes sense that we at least try to get used to each other."

"Hm. What did you have in mind?"



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