Chapter 14

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You and Phil are at his house. He's teaching you how to make 'Delia Smith pancakes'.

"So, what's this called again?" You ask, holding up a weird kitchen utensil which you have never used before.

"It's called a whisk." Phil laughs. "I can't believe you've never used one before."

"I've never cooked or baked anything before! This is a whole new concept to me." You tell him.

"You couldn't make that more obvious. Here, now we pour some of the mixture onto the pan."

Your hands touch as he helps you pour some of the pancake mixture onto the frying pan on the cooker.
But then, something terrible happens.

"Ah! Fuck!"
Your finger has made contact the hot pan.
"Shitfuckshitfuckshitfuckshitfuck owowowowowow!"

"Calm down." Phil rushes to the sink and turns on the cold tap. "Run it under there. I'll go get the first aid kit."

"W-Don't leave meeeeeee!" You call after Phil, who rushes down the hall in order to get the first aid kit.

You hear him scramble around looking for it for a minute or so before he rushes in.
"How is it?" He asks.

"Feeling a bit better, the water is a good idea." You tell him.

"It's not really bad... Right?"

"It's fine."

"Just keep it under there a bit longer, just to make sure."

"It's fine, Phil."

"Just keep it under longer. Put my mind at a bit of ease."

After a couple minutes, the two of you are back to pouring pancake mixture.
You dispose of the first one, which is burnt, and pour some more mixture onto the pan.

"Now what?" You ask him after standing in silence for a moment or two.

"We flip it." He tells you.

"Ooh... How?" You ask.

Phil takes hold of the handle of the pan. "I would like to warn you that I haven't done this successfully... Ever." He informs you before jolting the pan upwards, sending the pancake into the air. It flies up high in the air, landing directly on your face.

"Are you sure that's how you do it?"


After making pancakes, Phil decided to introduce you to anime.
It's one of the most beautiful things you've ever seen, Phil still ranking much higher on the scale though.

"I think I'm in love." You gasp after watching the first episode of death note/Yuri on ice and shoving some more pancake in your mouth.

"Yeah... It's pretty great, isn't it?" Phil smiles.

"I can't believe I've went a full nineteen years without ever viewing this! Put the next episode on! Now!"

"With pleasure!" Phil picks up the controller and turns on the next episode.

"Thank you so much for this."

"It's no problem. My pleasure. It's my duty as an anime fan to make sure everybody is able to experience the beauty of it."

Now (AmazingPhil X Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя