Chapter 4

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"You are so childish!" Darren shouts at you as the two of you storm into your house.

"Well I'm sorry for not being a bore!" You shout back at him.

"Hey hey, what happened?" Your mother rushes over and asks.

"All I did was laugh when spilt coffee on him!" You tell her.

"It wasn't even funny!" Darren shouts.

"It wasn't even hot!" You retort.

"It ruined my outfit!"

"You're better off without those ugly ass clothes anyway!"

"That's enough! Y/N, go to your room!" Your mother demands.

"Are you seriously going to give me into trouble just because he doesn't know how to laugh?" You shout.

"Room! Now!"

You spin round angrily and run up the polished stairs to your bedroom, slamming the tall, white door loudly behind you.
You grab your iphone and open the 'phone' app, then just stare at the screen blankly.
Alright, who will be willing to listen to your rant?
You've become pretty close with him after today.
You bring up his contact and call him.

"Hello?" He picks up almost immediately.

"Hi, it's Y/N." You say.

"Oh, hey Y/N. What's up?"

"I'm pissed as fuck, do you mind if I rant to you?"

"What happened?

"Alright. Darren is such a dickhole. I hate him!"

"Go on. I'm listening to every word of this."

You then spend half an hour ranting about how much you hate your fiancé with a few comments from Phil.

"Are you done?" He asks after a few minutes of silence.

"I think so." You laugh.

"N/N, come down here right now!" You hear your mother call.

"Thank you so so much for listening to that. I've got to go."

"It was my pleasure. I'll talk to you later then."

You hang up the phone and trot down the stairs and into the living room where your mother and Darren are sitting waiting for you.

"What?" You sit down on the chair beside the oversized couch.

"N/N, is there something you want to say to Darren?" Your mother asks.

"Yes. I'm sorry." You say. "I'm sorry you're so painfully boring."

"Y/N!" Your mother raises her voice. "Apologise and mean it!"



"Like I said, childish." Darren shakes his head.

"Oh shut up!"

"That's enough Y/N! Say you're sorry."

"Fine. I'm sorry."

"Good. Now go to bed."

You sigh and head up to your room.


Uno week later (sorry for letting time skips exist in this story)

Now (AmazingPhil X Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя