Chapter 22

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The Next Day.

"How was last night?" Your mother asks, waltzing into your room and opening the curtains. "Stacey said there was a crazy bartender who knocked some guy out for no reason."

"There was a smart bartender who switched my drink with this other guy's drink because he tried to drug me." You correct her, squinting your eyes as a bright light illuminates your room.

"How would that knock him out?" Your mother asks, sitting at the foot of your bed.

"Because it was a date rape drug." You tell her as you roll over and close your eyes.

"Hm. Really? Cause Stacey said-"

"Stacey's a lying bitch."

"Hey! Do not use that word!"

"Kay. Sorry."

"Anyway, get dressed. We're leaving for some afternoon tea in an hour."

"What time is it?"

"Around one o'clock. I let you sleep in. Anyway, get dressed." She stands up and walks down towards the door. "Now!"

You groan and attempt to climb out of bed.

"So, I'm a lying bitch?" Stacey asks from your doorway as you sit up and lean against the headboard.

"Yup." You say bluntly.

"Well then. A bit rude, don't you think?"

"Not as rude as having sex with my  fiancé." You mutter.



"How did you know about that?"

"Know about what?"

"What you just said."

"What did I just say?"

Stacey eyes you up suspiciously. "You should go get dressed like your mother told you to..." She tells you before walking away.
You throw your blanket off of you before getting out of bed and walking into the closet.
You pull on a yellow/lilac knee length dress and match it up with a pair of white/black pumps/heels.

You listen to some fall out boy/twenty one pilots as you begin to brush your hair.

"What is that ungodly racket?" You hear Darren ask from outside the room. "Y/N, turn that off!"

"Sorry, what? I can't hear you over the 'ungodly racket'!" You laugh.

"Turn it down!"

"I don't talk to people through a door!"

"For fucks sake." Darren mutters before swinging the door open. "Turn that damn music down."

"It's not even loud." You tell him as you begin to get started on your makeup.

"Well, you can hear it in the hall... Kind of... If you listen closely."

"Oh no!" You gasp sarcastically.

"I'm just helping you." Darren holds up his hands.


"Well, wouldn't your parents be pissed if they heard you listening to that music?"

"And wouldn't  you love to watch that argument unfold?"

"True... Keep it on then..." Darren says in a rather unsure and awkward tone.

"Why don't you want me to get in trouble again?" You ask.

"W-Psht-That's a total lie. I do want you to get in trouble again."

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