Chapter 13

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"Darren tells us that you've been sneaking out." Your father says angrily.

"W-" You try to speak, but get cut off my your mother.

"And he says that you threatened to tell people that he smokes weed if he tells anyone."

"Well he does smoke weed! I saw him!" You argue.

"Y/N! I thought we taught you not to lie!" Your mother gently slaps your arm.

"I'm not lying! And I'm not the only one who saw him!" You say.

"Well, who else saw him then?" Your mother asks, folding her arms.

"...Phil did."

"That guy?!" Your father raises his voice. "I thought I banned you from seeing him!"

"Who do you think she was sneaking out to see?" Darren says, sipping his coffee.

"I cannot believe you!" Your mother shouts.

"Go to your room!" You father shouts.


"What did you just say?" Your father takes a step towards you.

You see Darren's shocked expression as he leans in closer, obviously loving watching this argument.

"I said no."


"I'm nineteen. You can't ground me. I'm a legal adult."

"Well you sure aren't acting like one."

"What's that meant to mean?!"

"Sneaking out? Disobeying your parents? I thought we had missed out on the 'rebellious teen years' but apparently not!"

"I wouldn't have to sneak out if you hadn't locked me in my room, which I actually believe is illegal. Or if you'd let me have a friend who isn't a rich, snooty asshole!"


"I mean, seriously! I've only ever had two friends that I actually like, and you hate both of them! You haven't even met one of them actually!"

"Well, we can tell that 'friend' of yours isn't a good influence. He's getting you to disobey your parents!"

"He's getting me to actually give a shit about doing something that I want!"

Your father is cut off by the kitchen door flinging open as Stacey, Abigail and Sarah fall into the room, obviously from leaning on the door eavesdropping.

"Heh... Sorry..." Sarah says awkwardly.

You take this distraction to your advantage and storm out without anybody shouting at you. At least for the first few seconds, then both your mother and father are following you up the stairs to your room screaming at you, Darren following closely behind them.

"Stop acting like you know what's good for you!" Your mother shouts.

"Well I know better than you!" You stand beside your bed and look at your mother. "If you knew what was good for you, you wouldn't have turned out be such a bitter bitch."
Okay, that sounded kind of like an asshole thing to say, you shouldn't lie about that.

"Don't you dare talk to your mother that way!" Your father shouts, walking towards you.

"Oh yeah, I'm sorry. I forgot that you're the only one allowed to call her a bitch." You say to your father.

"I- What's this ugly ass flower doing here?" Your father directs his attention to the flower from Phil.

"It's something she got from a friend." Darren smirks.

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