Chapter 10

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Everyone in the house should be asleep by now.
Time to sneak out.

You climb out of bed, already dressed, and grab a long, black jacket from your closet.
You pause as you hear somebody stirring down the hall, most likely Abigail or something, maybe Stacey.
Since the wedding is so close, your house is so big and everyone lives far away, most of the main wedding party are staying in your house.
The house quickly becomes silent again, allowing you to continue leaving.
You grab a pair of slippers and pull them on, just so that you can get through the over-polished hallway without making a sound, then grab a pair of boots.
You stand up and creak the door open.
You feel a weight on your chest as you realise what you're doing.
You have no idea how mad your mother and father are going to be when they find out.
They'll be furious.
It will probably be the most trouble you'll ever be in.
Is it worth it?

Your heart skips a beat when you hear someone stirring again as you reach the top of the stairs.
You hear two people talking, but can make out that one of the voices is Stacey, so they probably won't notice you sneaking out.
You take ages to get down each step, being careful to make sure you don't make any noise.
You can barely tell where you are as you reach the bottom.
Sure, it was dark upstairs.
But at least there, you only had one way to go and no obstacles in the way.
Down here, there are plenty of expensive things ready for you the trip over.
You squint your eyes and can make out the glass door that leads out to the garden.

"Not too far." You whisper as silently as possible, so technically you just mouth it.

You make sure every single step and movement that you make is calculated and well thought through on your way down to the door.
You wrap your fingers around the handle and slowly pull it down and pull the door open.
You hear a person shout something in their sleep, causing you to jump up in fear and out the door to the garden.
You shut the door as quietly and quickly as possible and run across the grass down to the fountain.
You feel like a criminal escaping prison.
Yet, there's a satisfying feeling of exhilaration and excitement as you reach the fence and change your shoes.

"Hey." Phil whispers to you from the other side of the fence.

"Hey." You whisper back and stand up. "Can you give me a little help here?"

Phil reaches over the fence with ease and takes hold of your hands, helping you climb up on top of the brown fence.

"How do I get back down?" You ask, dangling your legs over the edge and still whispering.

"Just jump." Phil tells you.

"It's too high. I'm scared."

"I'll catch you then."


"Yeah, it's okay."

"You won't drop me?"




You jump down off the fence, falling over into Phil's arms.
You Phil stumbles, dropping your legs onto the ground.
As a reflex, you immediately wrap your arms around the back of his neck.
The two of you laugh awkwardly, still holding onto each other.

"I.. uh...-" You stop speaking when you hear someone exit your house into the back garden.

Both you and Phil instantly duck down and look through the fence.

Darren walks down the garden with headphones in and sits at the side of the fountain

"Who is that?" Phil whispers to you.

"That's Darren... What's he doing?"

You watch as Darren pulls out a lighter from his jacket.
You hear a branch snap behind you and turn your head to see, but only see a crow.
When you turn back around, Darren is smoking.

"Damn... Does he do that often?" Phil asks.

"I didn't know that he does." You tell him.

"Better not let anyone find out. Seems like he'll get in major trouble..."

"It's just one cigarette... not that bad."



"It's not just a normal cigarette."

Sorry for the short chapter.
I didn't know how else to end it.
so yeee. Bye lads.

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