Chapter 21

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"How you doing N/N?" Your mother asks as you walk down the stairs the next morning.
You refuse to talk to her.
You've been refusing to talk to her ever since you got home.
Why would you want to talk to that woman?
"Please talk to me Y/N! Say anything! Just say something!" Your mother begs.

"Don't pretend that you care about me." You tell her without even taking a glance at her as you walk by. "And stop being so dramatic."

"But I do care about you!" She insists, following behind you.

"You don't seem to care about my feelings. You just care about me getting money, probably because that means you'll be able to snatch up some of it too." You tell her.

"That's not true!"

"It is and you know it."

"No it's not!"

"Yes it is. If it wasn't, I wouldn't be marrying Darren."

"So you admit that you're going to marry Darren!"

"Seems like I have no other choice. Asshole."

"Don't you dare call your mother that!" Your father steps in.

"Stop coming to her rescue so much. Not like you don't call her that every damn day." You roll your eyes.

"I don't like this attitude of yours missy!"

"Cool. I don't care. You have no one but yourselves to blame for me being a moody bitch." You begin to walk away faster.

"Hey! Don't walk away from me young lady!" Your father catches up to you a smacks you on the head rather hard, causing you to stumble. "Remember who's boss in this house." You look up at him as he crossed his arms across his chest. "Go to your room. I don't want to see you for the rest of the day."

You nod your head and make your way up the stairs once again while your mother waves a fake goodbye to you.
"See you at the party tonight, sweetie!"


Quite a few hours later, it's time for your bachelorette party.
Most people seem to have one the night before the wedding, but yours is five nights before the wedding. That seems to be a crappy tradition in your family.
At least if you had it the night before the wedding, you could still be drunk the next day.
That would make the service much less grueling. Maybe that's why your family likes to have the party a couple nights before the wedding.

"Ew. What is with your hair?" Stacey asks, entering with two glasses of vodka - which is most likely watered down.
You roll your eyes when you see the revealing dress she's wearing.
What did you expect? She loves showing off her silicone body.
"Do you want a drink?" She offers you a glass, which you take, but don't drink.
Being drunk isn't something you can be bothered doing tonight.
Supposedly it's bad for your health.
"And your dress. And... Ew your face."

ou know what? Screw being healthy.
You grab the glass and immediately chug it down.

You're going to have to be drunk out of your mind in order to get through tonight without killing yourself or someone else.



You're at a club with all the bridesmaids - Sarah, Abigail, Stacey and some of Stacey's friends.
You seem to be the most drunk of them all, but you're not complaining.
It's the only way you could possibly have a good time.

"You should totally come to my penthouse in New York! You could see so many Broadway shows. The place is also right beside this great vegan restaurant, you'd love it!" Stacey says fakely to your cousin Sarah.
You get bored of that conversation, so you turn to the one that Abigail and the others are having.

"So, I ordered the dress in baby blue, but when it came, it turned out to be a shade darker than baby blue! Can you believe it?" Abigail says dramatically.

Does nobody know how to have an interesting conversation?
"Okay, I went to the same place and my white dress turned out to be a cream coloured dress!" Another girl, whom's name you could never be bothered to remember, says.

No matter how drunk you are, this conversation is never going to be entertaining.
"I'm getting another drink!" You announce, standing up, but then falling down.
"I may have tripped... But I'm still getting a drink!" You crawl across the floor towards the bar, occasionally having your hand stood on.

You grab the wooden bar and use it to pull yourself up onto one of the bar stools.
"Give me the strongest alcohols you have." You tell the bartender.

"Really?" She furrows her eyebrows, but shrugs as she pours you a drink. "Eh, I'm in no place to judge." She hands you the drink before attending to someone else.

"Damn. That's a strong drink." A guy sits next to you and takes a look at your drink.

"Good." You tell him as you take a sip of it. "Maybe it'll make people seem interesting."

"Who you tryna make interesting?" He asks as he waves the bar tender over. "I'll have what she's having." He tells her.

"Guessing you like the strong drinks." You say to him.

"Oh yes. Well, I'm not exactly a lightweight. Ten of these and I'll still be sober." He says, holding up the glass he just received. "I'm Frank by the way." He shakes your hand.

"I'm Y/N." You tell him.

"Y/N! Can you get me a glass of champagne?" Stacey calls out.

You turn around and shout back at her. "Get it yourself!"

"Come on, you could use the workout!"

"So could you!"

"Hey! Give me my drink right now!"

"No! Piss off!"

"Who's that asshole?" Frank asks, turning around to face the same way you are.

"Maid of honour at my 'wedding'. I hate her."

"I don't think I'm going to even ask why you would hate your maid of honour." Frank laughs and spins back around, as do you.

"Do you want anything else?" The bartender asks you with a mischievous grin on her face.

"Nah, I'm still getting through this drink." You tell her.

"How about you, sir?" She turns to Frank. "Would you like anything else?"

"No thanks, I've barely sipped this yet."

"Right, well... Enjoy." She smirks and walks back down to another customer.

"So, you're getting married? Are you excited?" Frank asks, taking a sip from his drink.
You don't get to answer though as a few seconds later, Frank closes his eyes and slams his head back on the floor with a loud THUMP!

"Asshole." The bartender laughs as she begins to clean the unit. "Don't help him."

"Uh... What just happened?" You ask her.

"He just roofied himself." The bartender tells you.


"Well, I saw him put something in your drink while you weren't looking, so I swapped the drinks when he wasn't looking." She explains.

"Oh." You look down at him, then back up at her. "Well thank fuck for you."

My writing is really bad atm. I'm sorry.

Now (AmazingPhil X Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें