Chapter 24

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"Y/N hurry up! You can't be late for the dinner!" Your mother bangs on your bedroom door while you attempt to get ready for the rehearsal dinner, which is in a few hours.

"Calm down, I'll be ready!" You shout as you pull on a pair of sparkling silver/black high heels. "Fucking bitch." You mumble as you sit on your bed and pull out your phone.

Tomorrow is the day.
You're getting married.
You turn on your phone and begin to scroll through your photo library.
The nostalgia hits as you reach some photos from a few weeks ago.
A wide grin spreads brightly across your face as you reach the time that Phil stole your phone and spammed it with selfies, then you jumped on his back and got in some of them.
You never thought of deleting them.
You don't want to.
His gorgeous face that you've truly grown to love.
How could someone try to ban you from seeing him?

"Y/N L/N if you don't get your a-" Your mother begins to shout again, but you cut her off.

"I'm coming!" You shove your phone in your purse and walk down to the door.

"Hurry up! If we make the limo driver wait any longer, we're going to have to tip him!" Your mother complains as she drags you down the stairs.

"I don't want to goooo!" You whine.

"Shut up. You're going."

"I don't want to get married."

"Yes. You. Do."

"No. I.  Don't."

"Respect your parents. Come on!"


The dinner is shaping up to be extremely tedious and boring.

Everyone in the room are just annoying, snobby rich people.

"Posture Y/N!" Stacey slaps your knee, making you stop slumping in your seat.

"How much longer till this is over?" You ask her.

"Uhm..." She searches frantically through her clipboard, which holds all the times and wedding arrangements on it. "In two more hours. Not that long."

"That's ages. Who decided that?" You ask.

"Me." Stacey says proudly.

"Of course." You roll your eyes. "I hate you."

"The feeling's mutual." Stacey says before continuing her conversation with the other bridesmaids.

"Got you another glass of champagne/wine." Darren says, handing you the drink. "I thought you may need some more alcohol to get through this gruelling event. I surely do."

"Thanks, I guess." You take a sip of your drink.

"Attention everybody!" Stacey stands up and taps a spoon against her glass of wine. "This is when we would be doing speeches. So, let's go for mine. I don't want to read it out, because that would be spoiling it. But trust me, it's good, and you will all need tissues by the end of it. Then there's going to be Darren's best man over there, then we'll have the happy couple! Do you guys want to say anything right now?" Stacey asks you and Darren.

"Oh... Uh..." You and Darren look at each other awkwardly.

"Come on guys, you gotta say something." Stacey encourages.

"I can't think of anything. Can you?" Darren tosses the bomb to you.

"No, uh... Yeah, no." You say awkwardly.

"Oh how wonderful." Stacey says unenthusiastically. "You may all get back to your desserts."
She slumps down in her chair.

"Posture!" You slap her knee in the same way she did.

"Bitch..." She mutters and rolls her eyes as she sits up properly.

"Hello N/N!" Your grandmother taps you on the back.

"Hi grandmother." You smile as she pulls you into a hug.

"I'm sorry I have to leave early, but I'll be able to stay the entire time tomorrow!" She apologises after you pull away.

"Oh please, it's okay." You tell her.

"I cannot wait till tomorrow. I cannot believe that you're getting married. Not that you're ugly! Just that you've grown up so fast."


"You must be so excited!"

"Sure am..."

"I remember when I got married to your grandfather. I was eighteen... It was arranged. You must be so happy. Marriage is a lifelong commitment... Bonding two souls together. Can you not wait?"

"It's so exciting.."

"It really is. I can't wait to see the ceremony, but I better be off. Got to go to bed early so I can wake up early and beautiful. Bye N/N, good luck." Your grandmother kisses you on the cheek, smiles and exits the dinner hall.

Two more hours to go.
You slump back in your chair.
Good luck indeed.


After the dinner, you needed some fresh air.
You went out for a walk and bumped into a familiar face.

"Those people are assholes!" You tell Phil as the two of you walk down the path in the woods.

"So you've told me before." Phil laughs.

"Seriously though, they think shoes is a better conversation starter than global warming!" You complain. "I don't know how I'm going to be living with people like that my whole life!"

"You still not wanting to get married?"


"Then why are you doing it?"

"Because I have to."

"I don't think you do."

"I do. If I don't... I'll be in trouble."

"Y/N, have my super inspirational words taught you nothing?"

"I know... I shouldn't let them make me do something I don't want to. Why are you so educated on this subject? It's not like you've been forced to get married."

"I know... I just... I know what it's like to be forced to do something you don't want to..."


"I-I would rather not talk about it..."

"Oh... Okay. Well, I should be getting back home. My family might get their heads out of their asses and notice I'm missing soon."

"Good idea. Good luck with the wedding tomorrow..."

You both smile awkwardly, and pull each other into an embrace.

"Thanks. I'm gonna need it."

You both pull away, but keep your hands together.
Should you do it?
You're never going to see Phil again.
You both look at each other for a minute before the inevitable happens.

Phil's lips are pressed softly against yours.
The kiss soon begins to heat up before you decide to let go of Phil's hands.

"I've got to go..." You tell Phil after pulling away. "I've got to get married tomorrow."

"Don't do it." Phil tells you.

"What? I have to."

"No you don't."

"Yes I do."

"But... I love you." Phil sniffs and wipes away a single tear from his eye.

"I love you too." You tell him, small pools of tears beginning to form in your eyes as well. "But I have to go... I'm sorry."


"Goodbye, Phil..." You kiss him on the cheek and wipe some more tears away. "Thank you."

Damn noonpad, back at it again with the shitty chapters written while trying to watch AHS.

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