Chapter 12

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"Who threw a pair of trainers in the rose bush?!" Your mother storms into the living room where you, Sarah and Abigail are sitting.
She holds up the pair of trainers that you were wearing last night.

"Wasn't me." Abigail shrugs.

"I don't wear trainers." Sarah says.

"It wasn't me either." You lie. "Maybe it was Stacey..."

"Okay... I'll ask her, but hey, while I have you here, why is there a trail of snowy footprints that lead from the garden... up to your bedroom, Y/N?" Your mother asks.

"Oh... That's because uhh... I went outside this morning to watch the sun rise..."


"It's true, I saw her." Sarah butts in.

"Oh... Okay. Well, you guys should be getting ready. We're all going to help Y/N choose the wedding location today."

Sarah and Abigail get up and leave in order to get ready, but you decide to stay behind.
You've been thinking of what Phil said to you all morning. About not having to marry Darren just because it's what your parents want.



"Here's a... crazy question but uh... what if-what if I... don't want... to... marry... Darren?"

Your mother stands and stares at you, her mouth dropping open.
"You're joking, right?"

You hesitantly shake your head.

"Uh... I... Uh... Stay-Just-S-Stay right here..." You mother sprints out of the room.

You sit there awkwardly.

A few minutes later, your father walks in with your mother.



"Is what your mother told me true? Are you thinking of not marrying Darren?" He crosses his arms.

"I... guess..." You say awkwardly, slightly frightened by how angry he is.

"You're grounded."

"I'm nineteen... and I don't think you can ground me for not wanting to marry someone..."

Your father grabs your arm and drags you out to the hall, up the stairs and into your room, your mother still following behind.

"I can't believe you!" He shouts.


"Who put these ideas in your head?"


"Don't you dare say that nobody did! I can tell!"


"You know what? I don't even want to look at you right now! You are not allowed to leave this room until you get it in your stupid brain that you don't have a choice! You will marry Darren!" Your father grabs the key to your bedroom, drags your mother out and locks the door behind him.

"Fucking bitch."


You spent the entire day in your room while everyone else went out to choose the location for what's meant to be your wedding.
Not that you care. You always knew that you weren't going to get a say in basically anything to do with the planning.

You've planned to sneak out and meet Phil again, but you're still locked inside.
It's around one in the morning and you are determined to get out.

You stand beside your window, which looks out onto the garden.
"It's not that high..." You whisper to yourself, looking down onto the ground.
It definitely is 'that high'.

"Y/N." You head Phil whisper ever so quietly.

You look over at the fence to see him jumping up and down waving at you.
The eye contact you share makes the two of you desperately attempt to hold back a laugh.

"I'm locked in." You mouth to him.

"What?" He mouths back.

"I'M LOCKED IN." You mouth again.

Phil rolls his eyes, holds up his phone and points to it.
You nod your head and grab your phone.

What are you trying to say?

I'm locked in. I can't get out of my room.

It's like rapunzel!

Bitch I ain't letting down no hair.

You continue to stand by the window while texting him.

Make like a ladder out of clothes.

Can you think of something realistic?

No but Darren is coming outside and he definitely saw me.

You see Darren walk out into the garden and head straight down towards the fence.


Fucking direct him towards me if he talks to you I'm not letting you deal with this stoner's bullshit.

"Who the fu-"


Darren turns away from Phil and looks up at you.
"He's with me."

"Wait... I recognise you! Ohh, Y/N, you're in trouble..." Darren smiles.

"Get the fuck up here right now."

Darren nods his head and walks back inside.

I'll just go... good luck.

A few minutes later, you hear the door unlock and Darren creeps in.

"I'm gonna tell your father." He says after closing the door behind him.

"Why would that benefit you?" You ask.

"Maybe I can use it so that we don't have to get married... if not, it would still be funny to see you get in that much trouble. You were going to sneak out, weren't you?"

"Maybe... If you tell my father though, I'll tell your mother about what both me and Phil saw you doing last night."

Darren freezes.
"What did you see me doing?"

"Smoking weed."

"Oh my god. Don't tell her!" Darren raises his voice, so you shoosh him, reminding him that everyone's asleep.

"I won't tell her if you don't tell anyone about me sneaking out."


"Were you going outside to have another one right there?"


"Hm... I think I just thought of a better deal..."

"Go on..."

"I will help make sure that you don't get caught smoking weed... if you make sure I don't get caught sneaking out with

"That sounds like a deal to me."

So it was settled.
The two of you shook on it, then Darren helped you sneak out of the house to see Phil for the next two nights.
Each of those nights ended with another kiss between you and Phil.
All is going well, until Monday morning.

You walk down the stairs, smiling while thinking of Phil.
Your father only ever lets you out of the room during the day due to wedding preparation.
You walk into the kitchen to see your mother, your father and Darren talking.

Both of your parents turn to look at you.

"Y/N, you have no idea how much trouble you're in."

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