Chapter 25

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The Wedding Day

"Y/N, why are you still in bed? It's your wedding day! Oh there's so much to do! The ceremony is at two!" Your mother bursts through into your room and draws the curtains back.

"What time is it?" You ask groggily.

"Seven. I let you sleep in while I made sure of some things. Darren's already at the hotel, he went last night. I'm giving you twenty minutes to get up and throw something on before we go to the hotel and get you ready." She explains.

"Okay." You roll over as your mother swiftly makes her way out of your room, closing the door behind her.
You sigh and pick up your phone, seeing a couple texts from Phil.

Please don't leave me.

Y/N I love you.

I'm sorry... I look a bit desperate, don't I? I'll leave you alone. You don't need me to be such a burden to you anyway.

I hope you find happiness. I hope you are happy with Darren, I really do. I hope your life goes well.

You wipe away what could possibly be tears as you walk over to the window and stare out onto your large garden.
You begin to reminisce on your time with Phil.
You first met him in those woods.
You first kissed him on that fence.
You listened to your first good music in that meadow you can just barely see in the distance.
You first realised you're in love in the abandoned house.
You had many deep talks in the treehouse, which is way too far out of your view.
You found out about Darren's true scumbag-ness from the other side of that fence. You saw him smoking weed. You saw him having sex with your maid of honour.
You realised that he is not the man you want to marry.

You walk back over to your bed and sit on the edge of it, placing your hands on your forehead and looking at the ground.
There's the dent from the vase your father knocked over in a fit of rage.
The flower it held was so dearly important to you... And he just got rid of it without a second thought.
You realised how horrible your parents are.
You do not want to take orders from them.
That's what you've been doing your whole life.
If you do this... Are you admitting defeat?


"Y/N, get out here right now!" Your mother pounds on your bedroom door.

"What?" You swing the door open aggressively.

"We have to go!" Your mother grabs your wrist hurriedly.

"I'm not going." You tell her.

"What do you mean you're not going?"

"I'm not getting married today. Not to Darren."

"Yes you are."

"No I'm not."

"Honey, everyone gets cold feet, but that isn't a reason to end the wedding. You and Darren are in love."

"Are you out of your mind? I hate that bitch!"

"Don't your swear in my house young lady!" Your father walks over and points a finger in your face.

"She says that she's not getting married." Your mother folds her arms and looks up at your father.

"Yes you are. Don't give me any more of your crap! You're getting married even if I have to drag you down to that place by your fucking ear!"

"I thought you said no swearing in this house?"

"I also thought I taught you to never talk back!" Your father raises his hand and strikes you right across the face.
You place a hand on your cheek, which is now burning in pain. "You are getting married to Darren!"

"No I'm not!" You shout.

"Stop with this bullshit!" Your father strikes you again, this time with his balled up fist.
You remove your hands from your cheek and instead use them to clutch to your probably now bruised stomach as you fall to your knees.
"Now stop being such an asshole. Stop with your bullshit. Get up, get in that limo and get married. Or else."

You're slightly tempted to say "or else what?" But you decide against it.
You really don't want to see what 'or else' is.
You now remember why you were always so afraid of your father.
"O-O-k-kay." You stutter as you stand up.

"Good girl. I can't wait to see the smile on your face as you walk up that aisle." Your father grins, plants a kiss on your cheek and walks away down the hall.

"Come on, N/N. It's time to get ready for your wedding."


Five minutes until the ceremony

You stare at your reflection in the mirror as you place the silk, white veil on the top of your head.

You then pat down your dress, but stop yourself to look at the intricate design on your lace sleeves that reach down to the tip of your middle finger.
The skirt of your dress puffs out a little, with a train reaching almost to the other end of the room.

You look at herself once more in the polished glass mirror.

This is not what you want.

You have not and will not ever love the man you're about to marry.
Your heart belongs to another.

"I'm so proud of you." Your mother stands behind you, a wide grin spread across her face.

You feel your eyes begin to water, quickly allowing a single cold, salty tear to drip down your cheek.

Your mother furrows her eyebrows and wipes away the tear, scolding her for even risking the chance of ruining your perfectly applied makeup.

You stare at yourself in the mirror once more after your mother leaves.

Sure, you look more gorgeous than ever.
Sure, this wedding would make sure you will always be finically secure.
And sure, it's what everyone wants for you.

Except for that one person...
He knows what it's like.

Just like him, you don't care about wealth, or having a 'perfect life'.
You care about love.

The dress is rather elegant.
But this is not you.
This is not what you want.
This is not what you want your life to become.
You have to get out.

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