Chapter 15

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"Thanks for letting me stay here..." You tell Phil as he leads you up to the guest bedroom in his house, which is his brother's old bedroom.

"Well, I'll need to ask my mum, but I'm sure she'll be okay with it. She's really nice." Phil tells you, opening the door of the bedroom.

"Cause she'll totally be fine with you letting a random girl you met in the middle of the woods sleep in her house for a week." You laugh.

"She wouldn't be okay with that if I only met you, like, yesterday or something." Phil laughs as well. "But I should go check with her to make sure. Stay here and... I don't know what you can do... But I'll only be a minute or so." He smiles and leaves you to familiarise yourself with the room.

All four walls are painted a deep, burgundy-like colour with a normal sized window on the left one, matched with some tall black curtains. There isn't really much to say about the room. It's relatively small, but it may just appear to be that way due to the fact that you've only been and slept in extremely large bedrooms. The double bed has a black duvet draped over it, obviously with matching black pillows. There's a bedside table on each side of the bed and a closet on the right side of the room, made with the same wood as the two tables.
You walk over and sit down on the side of the bed, pulling the money out of your jacket pocket as you do so.
While you were running out of the house, you had grabbed a jacket that was hanging up beside the back door, which miraculously had some money in the pocket.
Granted, it's not that much. At least you don't think it's a lot as you count it up.
Four twenties and two tens.
One hundred pounds.
You shrug and place it bag in your pocket. You probably won't even need it, but obviously you'll keep it. Just in case. Plus, it's still money. It would be pointless for you to throw it away.

"Yeah, she's okay with it." Phil tells you, leaning against the door frame.

"Okay. Thanks again by the way." You smile at him.

"Oh, no problem." Phil shrugs. "It's my pleasure."

"So... What time is it?" You ask.

"I'd guess around... 3 o'clock or something."

"Cool. What do you wanna do?"

"Intense, aggressive, serious Mario kart battle?"

"You read my mind."



"Fuck you Phil Lester!" You huff as Phil beats you in yet another round of Mario kart.
He seems to be pretty good at it, but that may be because you suck at it.

"Sorry." Phil laughs. "Want to play another round?"

"Nah, I'm tired of being fucking crushed at this." You tell him. "I'm also a little hungry."

"Well, what do you want for dinner?" Phil asks as he turns off the wii.

"What can I have?" You ask.

"Well... how hungry are you?"

"Not that hungry. I'm just rather... peckish."

"We can just have pasta or spaghetti or something like that then. It's quick and easy." Phil stands up. "Come on."

"Where are we going?" You ask, standing up with him.

"To the kitchen." He leads you down the hall towards the kitchen.


"To make dinner."

"We're going to make it?!" You gasp as you walk into the kitchen.

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