Chapter Seven

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Author's Note: Hey! Look who's not dead! Sorry it's been so long. Anyways, here's a quick note on Sebastian; I plan to write him as if he was never infected with Demon Blood, so he's not very cruel. Instead, he'll be like he was just before he died.


I talked to Tessa for the rest of the hour. When the bell rang, I gave her my jacket to wear to cover her scars and sent her to the gym to find Jem. I gave her Jem's locker number and promised her that he'd walk her to lunch.
"Thank you, Will," She said. Then, she walked off.
I walked to the classroom where my foster mom, Charlotte, taught. She was helping Jordan Kyle with a Calculus problem. I waited for them to finish up. Jordan exited the room. I walked over to Charlotte.
She's kind of short tempered, so I do this thing where I compliment her and tell her how much I love her before I tell her something she might get mad about.
"Mom," I said. "I love you so, so much. You're the best mother and I could never wish for better. Your hair looks nice today."
Charlotte sighed. "Thank you, Will. What is it you want?"
"I invited somebody to live with us."
Charlotte looked at me, dumbfounded.
"You did what?"
"I invited somebody to live with us."
She sat down in her desk chair. "William Owen Herondale. Who did you invite to live with us?"
"Tessa Gray. She's new here," I explained.
"Will, I know you're very nice to the new kids, and that's wonderful, but don't you think inviting somebody to live with us is crossing the line?" She asked me.
"She gets beaten by her brother," I said. Charlotte stood up. "Do you think she'd prefer to stay with Cecily or Jessamine?" She asked. "Cecily. Thank you, Charlotte," I said. I left for lunch.
I walked into the cafeteria and majority of the heads turned to look at me. I strolled into the lunch line, got the cafeteria's disgusting food, and sat down at my usual table. It consisted of Jem, Isabelle, Jessamine, Cecily, Gabriel (Yuck. He only sits there because Cecily's in love with him and I respect her love life.), Jace, Clary, and whoever Jessamine's current boyfriend is. (Today it was Sebastian Morgenstern.) I sat down. A chorus of "Hey, Will" went up. "Hi," I said. I searched the cafeteria for Tessa. She was sitting at a table with Sophie. People kept glancing her way.
"Tessa!" I called.
She looked over at me and smiled. "Come sit over here! Sophie can come, too!"
The girls got up and walked over. I moved over to make room.
"Aren't you the girl with the scars?" Gabriel asked. "Leave her alone, Lightworm," I snapped. "I was just asking, Herondale," He growled. Sophie whispered something to Tessa. She frowned. I continued to glower at Gabriel. The other boy returned my scowl. Jessamine smiled at Tessa. "Hey. I'm really sorry about what Camille did in the locker room. I don't think I got a chance to introduce myself. I'm Jessamine. You're Will's GF?" Tessa frowned.
"I'm sorry, his what?"
Jessamine rolled her eyes. "You've never heard the term before? Seriously, where have you-"
"She just wants to know if your Will's girlfriend," Isabelle cut in. "Ignore Jessamine. She can be rude quiet often." Jessamine glared at her. "I heard your brother Alec won over a boy. You haven't dated anyone since Meliorn. And that was two years ago." Izzy glared at her. "I don't have my eye on anyone," She said. "At least I don't plan on dating anyone and then throwing them away a week later."
The hurt on Sebastian's face was clear. He turned to Jessamine.
"You were planning on playing me?"
"Who told you?" Jessamine cried. "I have ears everywhere," Isabelle replied. Jessamine turned to Clary. "I'm gonna get you back for telling her." She leaned closer and hissed,
"And it's gonna hurt."

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