Chapter Fifteen

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I had heard things about Linette Heronadle.
I hoped I would never meet her, but now she was sitting in our family room.
I've thought about what would happen if I ever met her. I had planned to shun her, to pretend she did not exist.
Instead, I was filled with rage.
"William," Linette whispered. "Cecily."
Cecily fainted. Will walked over to her, picked her up, and set her in a chair. He stared at Linette.
"Will," Linette said. "Will, I-" "You have no right to call him Will," I cut in, crossing my arms tightly. "In fact, you have no right to even be here."
"And who are you?" There was bitterness in her tone.
"I'm James Carstairs."
"Why don't you let Will decide if he wants me here?"
"Jem's right," Will said. "You should leave. I have Charlotte now. She's been a better mother to me then you ever were."
"Didn't you hear him?" I snapped. "Leave! You hurt Will and Cecily. You left them when they were six years old! You deserted them when they were only children! And here you are now, crawling back to them when they're old enough to take care of themselves."
"Who do you think you are to talk to me that way?"
"I'm Will and Cecily's brother."
"Jem's also my best friend," Will added, looking a bit dazed. "He's been there for me when you haven't."
Linette scowled at me. "Well, Jem, no wonder you don't have real parents. You're a rude kid. I'm not surprised that they didn't want you." It was like a punch in the gut.
No wonder you don't have real parents.
"Charlotte and Henry are better parents then mine ever were," I managed.
It's no surprise that they didn't want you.
I was never unkind to my parents. In fact, I was only ever gentle and nice. That's how I normally was, but this woman hurt Will and Cecily in an unforgivable way, so she would be hearing it from me. No, the rude part wasn't true, but the part about being unwanted that was.
My father made me believe that I killed my mother. She died giving birth to me. Will later convinced me that her death hadn't been my fault. My dad also hated me because I had to take very expensive medicine. He would complain that I was using up all his money he could've been using to buy ingredients so he could make his meth.
Yeah, my father made a profit by creating and selling meth.
Half of that money went to my yin fin, the very important drug that kept my heart beating, but was killing me very slowly.
One day, the police payed us a visit. They found my dad's meth lab and took him to jail. They put me in foster care. I was only eight years old at the time.
Charlotte was my foster mother. She eventually adopted me.
"William," Linette whispered. "Are you one hundred percent sure you want nothing to do with me?"
Will nodded.
"What about Cecily? Do you think she would want me?"
"I do not. Please leave us alone. You broke our hearts. I'm not going to risk that again. Ella is dead because of you."
"Ella is... dead?"
"She was shot."
Linette looked at him sadly for a moment. Then, she got up and left the house.
"Are you okay?" I asked Will. He just stared at the place his mother had been sitting. I walked over to him and put my arm around his shoulders. He pulled me into a hug. "It's going to be okay, Will," I  whispered. He pulled away.
"I'll carry Cecily upstairs. You go to the room," I said. Will nodded. He went upstairs.
I walked over to Cecily, picked her up, and carried her up to her bedroom. I set her down on the couch and turned on the television. It helps Cecily sleep when there is background noise. Then, I headed to our room. Will was sitting on my bunk, crying.
I didn't blame him. Tonight, his mother had come back to him for the first time in eleven years. Also, Tessa, who he had fallen madly in love with, had been injured and put in danger. I went over to him, sat down, and gave him a hug.
"I can't believe she would come back here... after all she put us through... Ella died because of her," He sobbed. I hugged him again.
"Will, if that woman ever tries to hurt you again, you let me know about it. We may not be related by blood, but I will do something about it if she comes back to you again when she knows she's unwanted," I said. Will smiled. "Thanks, Jem," He said.
We went to bed a couple minutes after that.
Little did I know what kind of horrors would await us the next day.

Not sure how I feel about this chapter. 😐 Tell me what you think in the comments!!

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